AdamW said:Slogger said:are we >? some of you might be some of us are no better i know this for a fact most of the squaddies over there dont want to be doing this cr*p
Kinda in the wrong job then, eh Slogger? People join the armed forces of their own free will, and no-one is in any doubt about what it is there for. You join the armed forces to fight for your country, and when countries fight, people die. It isn't nice, but it happens. And soldiers accept that, otherwise they wouldn't have joined up.
let get back to basics with the scum of the world and annialate them it would show we dont tellerate anyone messing with us no more kissy kissy how about GRRRRRRR we have the teeth we should use them
I suggest you read a book on the Treaty of Versaille and it's contribution towards the starting of WW2... I'm sure they do it in large print with plenty of pictures...
you are not over there if i lost one of my own in this i would take revenge this is what is happening the lads lose m8s and want some form of retribution
You are right, I'm not over there... and neither are you.
It is terrible when people are killed, but that doesn't mean we must make vengeance killings for each of our lost soldiers. Retribution? The guy they killed was a hotel receptionist.
the human being is an aggressive animal at heart if you think differently then history will prove you wrong
On that, I agree with you.
not many men would be lost with total anniallation ( bombardments day and night) no need to put men on the ground till all that remains is rubble and then some .What would you rather do risk our own troops ( sons fathers daughters ) if you have the courage to answer me then fire away
Slogger, why did we get into this war? To free the Iraqi people from Hussein's rule. Why in the name of freakin' leapin' leprechauns would we have achieved if we had just killed everyone in the whole country with total anhilation?! NOTHING! It would have been a waste of resources.
As to courage to answer you, typing on an internet forum requires no courage. I could be a 10-year old girl and would still be telling you what for. I'm not telling you this because I am courageous, I'm telling you it because this is what I think!
You obviously have NO idea about war, the history of war, the process of war, the reason for this war, the morality of war, despite your idea (singular) to the contrary. You might know some people out there, big deal. Who doesn't?
Why in the name of freakin' leapin' leprechauns would we have achieved if we had just killed everyone in the whole country with total anhilation?! NOTHING! It would have been a waste of resources.
b.o.b....... b.ll sh.t Mr adamw they have only gone for the oil nothing else and stop stealing MY quote interragation. is ant it funny the price of petrol has sky rocketed since the war people where complaining about the price before the war and look at it now and those scum bag farmers they are traitors we need a public exacustion with the guilotine all the do gooders
and politicians and farmers.