it gets earlier and later depending on when I am, obviously. 1476 really sucked.
Surely you're always now?
Was 165-70-15 a Goodyear?
i love this subject and the reason being there is no true answer, mind is time and is subjective too the individual up too a point, on a mass scale it defiantly amounts too an answer but never the true answer as it's truly subjective, we individuality create it ( dual being the operative word ) on a microscopic level we know that under the energy and of our eye quarks disappear and re appear, i reckon we create our own time and time space in this dimension and the next, consistently every moment in this reality and the next simultaneously...too add too the chat about light, I reckon we are travelling right now at the speed of light and this is why when go at a speed and reach it time stops, (yeah sounds crazy) but were almost doing the opposite too what we think were doing, achieving the speed we are already travelling at too stop it, speeding up too slow down time, light exists because because were keeping up with, if we stopped would it still exist??.....
and i think all things are hapening at once, but or mind, chooses too channel in too the right signal....
Or conversely, if there is a noise of a falling tree in Brazil, does it mean that a tree has actually fallen?If a tree falls in Brazil, and nobody hears it, does it still make a noise?
Or conversely, if there is a noise of a falling tree in Brazil, does it mean that a tree has actually fallen?If a tree falls in Brazil, and nobody hears it, does it still make a noise?