As well as smoking acting as an appetite suppressant, when people do stop, they tend to substitute it with something else.
Often its sweets and choccies, so the weight piles on!
Regarding the BMI, anyone who pays any kind of attention to that ought to have their a$$ removed!!
Its ridiculous. My BMI is 27.9, obese! I'm an ex-marine and have always trained at the gym to increae my muscular density.
All pro rugby players are 'clinically obese' according to the BMI. Its the most worthless scale referred to in medicine today, and i anytime a doctor starts babbling on about it.
Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, hence the worthless BMI scale.
Often its sweets and choccies, so the weight piles on!
Regarding the BMI, anyone who pays any kind of attention to that ought to have their a$$ removed!!
Its ridiculous. My BMI is 27.9, obese! I'm an ex-marine and have always trained at the gym to increae my muscular density.
All pro rugby players are 'clinically obese' according to the BMI. Its the most worthless scale referred to in medicine today, and i anytime a doctor starts babbling on about it.
Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat, hence the worthless BMI scale.