Moving a master BT socket

17 Apr 2007
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United Kingdom
What are the rules?

My aunt wants to move the socket from the kitchen to the hallway.

The cable enter the house near the hallway and runs in the attic, along and down to the kitchen.

The cable could be pull back and dropped down into the hallway into the BT master if relocated but does it have to be done by BT?
So if the cable is cut in the attic, sheath carefully removed and cores individually snip off at different stub lengths so not to short circuit and tapped off, the cable could be rerouted and dropped through the ceiling into trunking?

I presume the master has IDC terminals for the incoming cable!

This is the type of filter plate I fitted last week for the fibre upgrade.

One thing to consider is the fact that the wifi signal for the PC will be weaker because relocating to BT master puts more masonery walls between the router and PC.
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BT master if relocated but does it have to be done by BT?

BT should officially be called to do it, but many just do it themselves these days. If you know how and are confident, then just get on with it. BT have no record of where they originally installed the socket, so if a decent job is made of it - they will never know and earn some brownie points.

I'm ex-GPO telecoms, from the 70's and last time any work was done on my line due to a failed drop wire, the engineer pushed the cable through into my loft, with my help and I wired the master socket he supplied.

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