MPs told to repay £1.35 million overclaimed expenses.

then do it with the benefit cheats, tax dodgers, fat people, smokers, blah blah blah

Yes agreed, to a point.
Now I'm playing Devils Advocate here. Benefit cheats, tax dodgers yes.
Smokers no! (Yes I am a smoker but I'm trying to look at this realistically/logically.)
Every time you hit the smoker with a higher tax some pack in. At the same time more smokers, (not me because I don't have the contacts), will buy their fags from 'Jimmy' at the local boozer for half the price. This increases the tax dodgers, puts peoples health more at risk because of smuggled imports that can contain anything from cabbage leaves to rat droppings and therefore increases the strain on the NHS. They, (we), have already been ostracised by being forced to smoke outside in all weathers whereas before most work places had smoke rooms that were ventilated. Bad weather will not put off a seasoned smoker or someone who wants a skive.
Hit all the system cheats and include booze. Stop all this cheap stuff being sold by the supermarkets, restrict it back to proper off licences attached to pubs. Booze kills/maims more 'innocent' people each year than fags do. Passive smoking may affect people but it is a long term exposure not a sudden event such as a drunk driver taking out a couple of innocent bystanders at the side of a road or just popping down to the shops/strolling with their girl/boyfriend/taking the dog for a walk etc.
(just to make it clear, I also enjoy a drink but know my limits and will NEVER get behind the wheel after drinking ANY amount of alcohol or get in a car with someone who has).
You will never stop smokers and you will never stop drinkers but you can stop drink drivers by hitting them REALLY hard with a stiff fine, (over £2,ooo), and if involved in an accident which kills someone a stiff prison sentence.
But then those type of policies wouldn't get you elected would they?
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Booze kills/maims more 'innocent' people each year than fags do.
By innocent, you mean the ones who don't smoke?

Those left behind by dead smokers must find that a great comfort.
I did say I was playing DA and expect my comments to raise criticism, thats the whole point.

And no, I don't think it would be a comfort to those left behind when someone dies through cancer contracted by passive smoking.
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Without splitting hairs I don't think anyone left behind when someone dies finds much comfort in anything regardless if they smoked, drank or led a life of purity.
When someone you love dies you find it hard to find comfort for a very long time and some not at all.
Then I don't see any value in your statement that "Booze kills/maims more 'innocent' people each year than fags do. "

Fags kill more people, so are a greater evil.

Additionally, since the customers who drop off the perch are generally the older ones, with a lifetime of helping the tobacco industry's profits, the industry finds it necessary to continually recruit new younger smokers to keep the numbers up. I understand most smokers are addicted before they are aged 16. What a vile trade.
Fags kill more people, so are a greater evil.

Maybe, but over a longer time span.

who drop off the perch are generally the older ones,

Confirming my reply.

most smokers are addicted before they are aged 16.

Only if they start younger surely?

What a vile trade.

So is child pornography/prostitution.

I did say I was playing Devils Advocate.
And just to make it clear, I basically agree with what you are saying and no longer smoke in my house/car or anyone elses for that matter even if they do. The few fags I do smoke these days I enjoy and as there can be so little to be happy about some days then I will continue to enjoy them even though I know they are bad for me.

Take care John, nice 'disagreeing' with you mate. ;)
Holy smoke!

My aim was not to start a debate as to what is the worst lifestyle, more leaning towards the fact that we all can sit in a comfy armchair and criticise other folks when there is not a single one of you that would have not done the same.

All i meant to do was remind folk there are billions being emptied out of their pockets from their very own neighbours, drinking buddies, work colleagues, sports friends, etc, etc.

I can not stand politics or politicians, but we do have to have both.

Does anyone know what a typical day in the life of a frontbencher entails?
Holy smoke!

Does anyone know what a typical day in the life of a frontbencher entails?

Getting ****ed and getting laid. Oh and getting your hand in the till.
If a benefit cheat gets caught fiddling the public purse they have to pay the whole lot back and often go to prison. It's the same public purse the politicians are fiddling so why shouldn't they be treated in the same way?
Don't often find myself thinking this but;

have to agree with Joe-90 on this one.

Noseall, sorry mate, wasn't trying to start a debate/argument just a little friendly, (I hope :eek: ), discussion to try and stimulate responses.
Hence my Devils Advocate hat. ;)
If a benefit cheat gets caught fiddling the public purse they have to pay the whole lot back and often go to prison. It's the same public purse the politicians are fiddling so why shouldn't they be treated in the same way?

3 or four may be prosecuted, the rest claimed legally (acted within the rules).

So yes, the ones that did it illegally will be brought to book.
What about all the tax fiddling home flippers like Darling and Hoon? They are the biggest crooks.
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