Mr Muscle Drain cleaning Gel and skin contact

11 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom
Due to abject stupidity on my part when re-dismantling the waste pipes from underneath my sink, I managed to get a covering of Mr Muscle drain cleaning Gel on my fingers a short while ago. The warnings on the container and online about avoiding skin contact (etc) are all too clear. I've washed my hands thoroughly a few times and can barely smell the stuff now but I'm curious just how "serious" this is.

Should I now "seek medical advice" as the packaging seems to advise? Or is that over-reacting on behalf of the manufacturers?

Does this stuff get into the bloodstream somehow?

My fingers feel okay (a bit dry though from all the washing).

Maybe I'll just melt away overnight ........... ;)
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So your first thought was to ask an internet forum for advice - how about the manufacturer/doctor/A&E?!
Doctor is closed, A&E in my area is hopeless. Seemed faster to ask on here.
It's all pretty weak stuff. Just forget about it.
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They are basically just covering themselves. You'll be fine. I normally have it with tonic & a slice of lemon (just joking children) :D
Actually, the caustic ingredients in the drain cleaning gel are extremely corrosive, but in a delayed manner. The worst thing you can do is wash your hands with water as this will dilute the gel enough to be absorbed by the skin and into the bloodstream, just as you feared. It will slowly progress into your vital organs, causing them to congeal and finally liquefy to such an extent that they will need to be passed through your system, either orally guessed it! This is only the start of your problems as, once you start to feel the immense discomfort of this reaction, you will inevitably either run to the toilet or nearest sink. Once your liquefied organs have been passed, and hit the air, they will immediately start to solidify again and you will end up back at square one - a blocked drain!!!

The manufacturers did try to warn you - heed their advice!!!
Now THAT is what I call a response. I am apparently already dead. :)

Ah well, that (was) my life, consigned to the drain ............. :)
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