muslim policeman says no to guarding the isreali embassy

joe-90 said:
During the miners strike loads and loads of Police officers had relatives in the mining industry. Next time around there will be a precedent set (by this case) that means they can be 'excused' such duty.

And that is WHY POLICE out of the mining communties where used to beat the grommits out of the miners and their wives mothers and children :mad: :eek:
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Slogger, can you please quote me where this officer has said no to guarding the Israeli Embassy, as the title of your thread states? If he did, there might be some credence to parts of your it is, its difficult to discuss it with don't appear to be able to reason.

Just a simple scenario for you, Slogger....if there was a call for police officers to attend to an incident where a group of men were allegedly sexually attacking some women, would you send a group of only women officers?

This is also why some people have reservations about women on the front line in the it discrimination......maybe......are there grounds to consider the argument......I think so.

Maybe you can prove me wrong about the lack of reasoning ability ;)
ok you asked for it here it is

the police officer in question has stated

he wont guard the jewish embassy because of them bombing lebbanon

do you think he has a right to say that ?? he has a right to his p45 sharpish
noodlz said:
Slogger, can you please quote me where this officer has said no to guarding the Israeli Embassy, as the title of your thread states? If he did, there might be some credence to parts of your it is, its difficult to discuss it with don't appear to be able to reason.

Just a simple scenario for you, Slogger....if there was a call for police officers to attend to an incident where a group of men were allegedly sexually attacking some women, would you send a group of only women officers?

This is also why some people have reservations about women on the front line in the it discrimination......maybe......are there grounds to consider the argument......I think so.

Maybe you can prove me wrong about the lack of reasoning ability ;)
bombing lebbanon is this coppers excuse

but even if he had a legite gripe with the jews how can he say where he goes ? if he didnt say it who did and why he is a copper first and foremost

do you see the army lads whinging about there familys being targetted cos they are in iraq or afghanistan

wake up m8 this is pc gone wrong and you know it :LOL:
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Slogger said:
bombing lebbanon is this coppers excuse

but even if he had a legite gripe with the jews how can he say where he goes ? if he didnt say it who did and why he is a copper first and foremost

do you see the army lads whinging about there familys being targetted cos they are in iraq or afghanistan

wake up m8 this is pc gone wrong and you know it :LOL:

You do speak with such authority on the subject, Slogger :LOL:

The officer can gripe as much as he likes, if that's what he did, but it is the police authority who ultimately decides where he does or does not go.

If he didn't say it, then who said it? did, Slogger :LOL: Do you have a source? ;)

This is a non-story as others have pointed out, but its been manipulated to stir up must love it ;)

Sad that time and money might be wasted on an urgent review of the matter called for by Sir Ian Blair......I reckon that's worse...could he not stand up and say this was blown out of proportion and not bow to media pressure?
I heard this story on LBC on my way to work and I just knew when I logged on tonight one of the normal Muslim bashers would have started a topic :LOL:

And now it maybe the case that his boss pulled him off (quite correctly) based on a risk assessment.

As an employer I do the same. One of our best sparks has a foot fetish. Totally harmless under normal circumstances but would I send him to wire a shoe shop? :eek: :LOL:
Pensdown said:
.....his boss pulled him off (quite correctly) based on a risk assessment.

Now there's a story :eek: ......but how did he do it quite correctly....on second thoughts, don't go there :LOL:

As an employer I do the same. One of our best sparks has a foot fetish. Totally harmless under normal circumstances but would I send him to wire a shoe shop? :eek: :LOL:

:LOL: It'd be sole-destroying not to :rolleyes:
This is only a story because it involves a Muslim. I could quite imagine a Jewish Officer, being posted at a Nazi Rally, saying 'I feel a bit uneasy about this sarge' and getting swapped with another officer and no-one batting an eyelid. In fact it possibly wouldn't even get that far as during the planning stage someone may realise that posting PC Rosenberg there may be a bit inflammatory and swap him without his even knowing about it. This sort of thing probably happens all the time and it is all too obvious why someone has chosen to publicise this one case.

At a time when people are saying that more Muslims should join the police, we are only going to put them off by baying for blood over a non-story like this.

And to carry on noodlz's work, I think Pensdown would be a bit of a heel to keep his employee off of that job..
no one is adressing my question about the army ?? do they get a say where they get posted >> no get real you lot religion comes second before your
job if it doesnt then you shouldnt be in a position of trust

as for the officer in question this is what he said

It followed a report in the U.K.'s Sun newspaper that Alexander Omar Basha
, a Muslim police constable in the force's diplomatic protection group, had a request granted to be moved from his post on moral grounds following
i bombings in Lebanon.

i am not the only one that thinks he should be sacked,,2-2391571,00.html

it gets better

Last night it emerged that PC Basha was married by the extremist cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad at the officer’s family home in London. Mr Bakri — who in 2005 was excluded by the Home Secretary from returning to Britain after he left for Lebanon — said last night that he was related to the officer’s father-in-law. The cleric said that because of his own “radical views” he did not have a good relationship with the father-in-law. Mr Bakri added that he had tried to persuade PC Basha to leave the police.

so noodlz do you still stand by his PERSONAL decision?? i dont see BAS getting in on it ? come to think of it i dont see many of the pc brigade
Slogger said:
no one is adressing my question about the army ?? do they get a say where they get posted >>

You don't know that. If a soldier asked not to be posted to a particular place (maybe peacekeeping in a village where his family live) do you not trhink that a responsible senior officer would weigh it up and make a decision?
Slogger said:
as for the officer in question this is what he said

It followed a report in the U.K.'s Sun newspaper that Alexander Omar Basha
, a Muslim police constable in the force's diplomatic protection group, had a request granted to be moved from his post on moral grounds following
i bombings in Lebanon.

I'm not one to pick holes, but if you read the link that you provided, it has the paragraph that you quote above, and then goes on to explain that that paragraph was misreported nonsense.

Relying on the Sun for your Muslim-related news is a bit like relying on 'Boy-who-cried-wolf-weekly' for all of your wolf-related news. (I can't take credit for this - I read something similar and have just been waiting for an excuse to re-use it)
noodlz said:
Sad that time and money might be wasted on an urgent review of the matter called for by Sir Ian Blair......I reckon that's worse...could he not stand up and say this was blown out of proportion and not bow to media pressure?
Of course he couldn't. He is the Commissioner, bowing to media pressure is in his job description.

If he didn't do it he would be guilty of dereliction of duty, and could be sacked.

Slogger said:
so noodlz do you still stand by his PERSONAL decision?? i dont see BAS getting in on it ? come to think of it i dont see many of the pc brigade

:LOL: You are funny at times, Slogger.
Such a wind-up merchant :LOL: ;)

I have never stood by any of this officers so-called personal decisions, but have always stated that I don't find it unreasonable that he should be able to tell his superiors his reservations. After that it is for his commanding officers to decide where he goes and where he doesn't go. He has to abide by those decisions else face the consequences of whatever reprimand, without fear or favour, is handed down through failure to do so.

Army staff can likewise give whatever complaints they have but ultimately have to do what they're told.

People can hold many strange opinions, as you clearly demonstrate Slogger ;) , but that doesn't mean they are automatically excluded from doing a job.
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