My mum used to be a teacher ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... and on one occasion in the staff room they were discussing children that never seem to fully engage, might be distant, disruptive, anti-authority, reclusive, whatever. This was 25+ years ago, so modern insight into things like mental health issues, abuse etc wasn't as mature.

One of the teachers was bemoaning a girl in her class for having one or more of the above traits. Mum said along the lines of 'we never know what's going on behind closed doors.' The colleague sort of rolled her eyes, however a few months after the authorities discovered the girl was being sexually abused by her dad.

We never know what's going on behind closed doors, true enough ...

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Straying slightly off-topic, people like these should be hanged along with all murderers.
This would achieve two things:
- they would be disposed of and hence reduce the excess population in this country;
- it would provide a real deterrent to others who might do the same things.

No, I know it will never happen, at least in this country.
Drugs, alcohol, mental health issues? Who knows. But I can bet you all my £money that he was known to the local social services who promptly did nothing.

My favourite niece in the whole wide world is married to a head of dept' secondary skool teacher. I was walking down the path to their house one day & saw there were cards in the window, I had to pause for a moment as I thought I'd missed yet another birthday. Turns out they were from some of his pupils who'd recently fledged. Fair brought the tears of joy to my eyes as I read the endorsements within 'em.

Buy him a pint & he'll sit down & tell you all about our skools being full of teachers who are only there for the paycheck & lifestyle. They are amongst some of the most militant & snivelling left wing scumbags that you could ever possibly imagine. Totally resistant to change & hostile to the pupils they treat with contempt.
Buy him a pint & he'll sit down & tell you all about our skools being full of teachers who are only there for the paycheck & lifestyle. They are amongst some of the most militant & snivelling left wing scumbags that you could ever possibly imagine. Totally resistant to change & hostile to the pupils they treat with contempt.
I'm married to one now retired and nothing remotely like that. ;) I'll just say that some of the Tory changes in this area are "interesting" and leave it at that and add there doesn't seem to be a mechanism for getting rid of bad teachers. I'd also wonder if some need more education in what might be refereed to as presentation to get subjects across.

LOL My wife is a specialist teacher. Special schools, kids with all sorts of problems. Her training includes areas like behaviour modification. Who knows - a bit more of that spread around and similar could prove beneficial to all. But I feel that if some one know all about a specific subject and can't get it across to kids they shouldn't be teachers. They also need to be able to generate some interest in the subject they teach. That at times will be difficult.
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They are amongst some of the most militant & snivelling left wing scumbags that you could ever possibly imagine.
Yes, I know that most teachers tend to be left-wing and that is quite worrying because I'm sure many of them take the advantage of a 'captive audience' to advance their own political ideas! Easily done, even if unintentionally.
Problem with most teachers now is they don't want to be teachers, I know 4 or 5 teachers and they all become teachers as they got a 2.2 or worse in their chosen degrees so a pgce was the easiest way into a remotely well paid job once they'd made a mess of university
Yes, I know that most teachers tend to be left-wing...

What on earth could cause people working in an underfunded education system, including children living in poverty who need the assistance of famous footballers to receive adequate food, with excessive class sizes and qualified teachers thrown out to be replaced by cheaper assistants...

To form views somewhat to the left of Attilla the Hun and Baroness Thatcher?
My Mum was a secondary teacher and came across a similar issue.
Mrs Bod went on school trip to help the teachers. She was asked to look after my daughter and another little boy.
He was a quiet little boy who was bullied by his older brothers. This she noticed in the playground after school.

One day she told me that his Dad commit suicide . A few days later she pointed out Tye mum to me walking down the street. A days after that the mum committed suicide.

No one knows what happed to the kids

Very sad.
Buy him a pint & he'll sit down & tell you all about our skools being full of teachers who are only there for the paycheck & lifestyle. They are amongst some of the most militant & snivelling left wing scumbags that you could ever possibly imagine. Totally resistant to change & hostile to the pupils they treat with contempt.
So you're accepting the opinion of one person as being fact for a whole sector?
Yes, I know that most teachers tend to be left-wing and that is quite worrying because I'm sure many of them take the advantage of a 'captive audience' to advance their own political ideas! Easily done, even if unintentionally.
How long did it take you to carry out your survey of thousands of teachers?
There's a body of people who hate teachers. They are 'a type' (especially when on the internet), and they display a number of common traits...
  • They believe themselves clever and well read despite school, not because of it.
  • Ergo, they regard all teachers as ******s who failed them.
  • They, funnily enough, feel their kids’ teachers are solid and hard working. They ensured this by being clever and marking their cards.
Then there's the gold plated pension- don't start them on the pensions. Oh, and never suggest that they could have been a teacher if they wanted to.
Straying slightly off-topic, people like these should be hanged along with all murderers.
This would achieve two things:
- they would be disposed of and hence reduce the excess population in this country;
- it would provide a real deterrent to others who might do the same things.

No, I know it will never happen, at least in this country.
Its hardly going to reduce the excess population by much - we would need to start getting rid of a lot more people than just murderers. Murder its self doesn't do much to reduce populations, take El Salvador, 50x the murder rate of the UK but has a rapidly expanding population.

Even pandemics, famine and wars do little to slow down our population explosion. Wealth is the best weapon but there is not enough of that to go around.
Problem with most teachers now is they don't want to be teachers, I know 4 or 5 teachers and they all become teachers as they got a 2.2 or worse in their chosen degrees so a pgce was the easiest way into a remotely well paid job once they'd made a mess of university
I've heard similar. A science HOD in my road moans about the quality they can employ. Degrees from the University of England's Heart (formerly Smethwick Works Poly), are soft, everyone passes. With the hours something like 65 per week to do the job properly, Newly Qualified Teachers get overwhelmed. Then so many kids turn teaching into a riot control exercise. This guy's in a school with an A B C1 intake, so he gets ok kids but snotty parents complaining that little Johnny isn't doing well enough, "The teacher of my child needs to be changed".

The Ofsted expectations are ridiculously detailed. The teachers only get time to cover the basics but are expected to deliver material for each level of ability in the room. Which the exam boards barely consider. So you get teachers all over the country trying to slice their lessons with that "differentiation" for every subject and year, just for their own classes. When they've each managed to produce it all, over a couple of years, the syllabus changes and all the teachers in all the subjects for all the key stages all over the country, have to start again. Hardly surprising then, that they only teach what's in the syllabus and nothing more.

They DO get rid of teachers who can't cope, but only if they're old as well and they can get plenty applying in that subject (so not maths, physics...). That's because old = moved gradually up the pay grade, so more expensive than an inexperienced teacher who's supposedly more up to date. I was told that's why unions won't take cctv in the classroom - Senior Leadership Teams would use it to spot old teachers not making separate individual records of "successful engagement" with every single kid.
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