My Son Has Lost His Mobile...

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
...Have you seen it?

I tried this a while back when he lost his DS and it kinda worked, so I'm trying again.

It definitely has not been stolen and I don't think it is outside the house. Asda confirmed it had not been used since before November 2009.

William has a theory it was in the Xantia we scrapped. If that's the case (but I don't think so, because we checked it thoroughly before leaving it at the dealer), it's now been crushed!

Can you help him find it?
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I'll tell you what, it's got crappy service Secures! And as for this bloody Xantia of yours the mileage is terrible! You did right to send it for scrap! :D

Sorry, no idea where it is. Have you turned his bedroom upside down?

Of course it 'could' be a ruse to get you to buy him a iPhone!!! ;)
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tried ringing it? :)

Yup. It ran out of juice ages ago...


What's got crappy service? Asda mobile? They piggy-back off the Voda network.

Mileage on the Xantia? Under 50K, why? It was scrapped to make way for Mrs Secure's new FR-V:



As for his bedroom, it's been turned upside down and inside out. I've even put it through the mangle.


That's where I went wrong.

Thermo: :LOL:
In the unlikely event that he hangs up clothes try looking in the pockets of anything he hasn't worn for a while. It's amazing what turns up. I once found a rock-salmon and chips in the pocket of a mac I hadn't worn for a week. (Surprising what takes your fancy on the way home from the pub... :oops: )
was the salmon still alive? (if not you shouldnt feed them chips)
was the salmon still alive?
Don't know for certain, but I think it was twitching a bit :eek: It was the smell that alerted me otherwise it might still be in there...

A serious suggestion, though.. Have you looked behind all the furniture and appliances that don't get moved very often (assuming there's a gap that stuff can fall down)? I got my Swiss army knife back after it had spent about 3 years behind the fridge.

In the bottom of the settee or armchairs is another favourite, especially if there's a fabric cover underneath for stuff to land on.
Unfortunately, it was the Nintendo variety. If only I had a DS.

[Salivates quietly in the corner...]
I can confirm, I have not seen your mobile phone.

My suggestion would be to buy another one asap, as a matter of urgency, to save you from the possibilty of having to ask such questions ever again. To complete strangers. :eek:

Most kids come fitted with about two mobile phones as standard.... thesedays, and if its from asda, it cant be all that hard to replace, if its the number you have, just order a replacement sim, if its a pay as you go phone with credit, hard luck...... anything more than that I cannot help at all, maybe put a wanted poster around your local vecinity. asking have they seen it. :confused:
Hang on.
I saw a mobile yesterday!
Did it have buttons on it?
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