My Spelling Notch & Noseal

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Notchy's trying to style it out now his smart-arse snide remark has backfired. :whistle:
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To be fair auto correct on phones is pretty crap.

The amount of times I write without checking what the auto correct has written.

This can really make a difference, this is most likely why most of the time your spelling appears correct.

I plan projects and send a lot of emails and write technical reports and I'm amazed at the amount of mistakes that happen from miss typed keys etc.

The mistakes for me aren't because of miss spent youth or dyslexia but because I am rushing.

Hell the amount of newspaper articles I've seen with bad grammar and spelling mistakes is unreal these days standards have definitely slipped.

My point being everyone makes mistakes some more so than others, those that feel the need to mock or point it out just have a superiority complex or as someone else said maybe they are on the spectrum ...

Best thing to do is ignore them, you need to remember that almost no one on here knows who each other is on a personal level and most don't know what others are going through on a personal level. They make there mind up on who you are based on a handful of posts.

Chin up and good luck with the chemo
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To be fair auto correct on phones is pretty crap.
Years ago, Mrs Mottie was going to a makeup party. I told the lady that worked for me and she asked me to ask her to get a particular shade of eyeliner or something that they sold. I forgot what it was so texted her asking what she wanted that night. The reply came back - 'Midnight oral' followed quickly by ‘Opal, I meant OPAL'. :LOL:
Bodd chooses to spell correctly or incorrectly as he/she chooses fit to do at any given time :rolleyes:

I don’t read all of Bodd’s post So couldn’t say otherwise, however it was said that his daughter checks spelling?
Keep your chin up Bodd, good luck with the Chemo too, I sincerely hope you are back to full health as soon as possible.
As for spelling, SMS messages in particular, when I was courting the wife, I sent her a message that was supposed to be a saucy one, off of my trusty Nokia brick. I didn't notice the auto correction it had made so the message read "I want to kick your Aunt", needless to say that is not what I intended to say to her!
Hark at the hypocrite! My my, how you and others squealed when I used to label you like that because you wouldn't even confirm whether you were a man or a woman. I think we all know enough about Bodd to know he's a bloke. A plumber from Harlow in Essex, in his fifties with three girls and a dog called Lilly. He isn’t a complete spineless mystery person like a couple of the trolls on here, you being one of them.
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Only just seen this and haven't read all the responses but what I will say is that your posts are legible and easily understandable.

I go on other websites and FB to be met with utter garbage which is totally unreadable unless you are a 16 year old technophile who understand the latest wordspeak.

Apparently one of the latest ones is the word, Word, if you agree with something someone has said. Where the hell has that come from? As a youngster the word bad meant something was bad. Now it means great! WTF?

BTW Bodd, hope the chemo goes well for you. Take care.
Oh shut up with the virtue signalling you wet blanket.
Did i touch a nerve there Notchy:oops:, hardly a man of principle yourself mate.

Nothing wrong with my Grammar, she was married to my Grampa for 50 years.
Hark at the hypocrite! My my, how you and others squealed when I used to label you like that because you wouldn't even confirm whether you were a man or a woman. I think we all know enough about Bodd to know he's a bloke. He isn’t a complete spineless mystery person like a couple of the trolls on here, you being one of them.
You really are a bizarre individual...

And a self confessed money grabbing one of course (n)

Bodd has several 'heads', which had you been around here for more than your few years (in your current guise) you should have realised that ;)
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