The fact that he came back at all to re-do the work shows that he cares about his standards - an increasingly rare quality.
I don't think so... if he cared so much...
1. he would have replied to one of the 20 or so messages I left on his phone over 4 months.
2. he would have replied to one of the 3 letters I sent him (by post, recorded delivery and by hand).
3. he would have contacted me and arranged a time to come and fix it, rather than just sending round couple of his boys who had no work that day, to knock on the door (luckily I was in)
4. he would have done something before I had to inform him that I had sought legal advice.
I assume that he only joined the new render to old - that is standard practice and a crack will sometimes occur at the join, the only sure way to avoid a problem is to render the whole wall - but it is not reasonable to expect him to do that unless you specifically ask him and he prices accordingly.
The thing is, I don't take any chances and I asked him specifically if joining the new render to the old would be alright - and he assured me it was. So how was I to know any better at the time. If he said it all needed to be done, I would have given him the goahead.
I'm sure he does take pride in his work - but only if he hasn't got something more important to do for a bigger client who has the power to make him do his best.
I did my best to be polite and to gave him the benefit of the doubt for ages.
I'm not a pain in the a*se client - I'm just someone who doesn't like being taken for an idiot.