In a house I've just moved to I have an under-counter 13A socket on a spur fed via an above-counter isolator switch from, I believe, an upstairs ring. The previous occupier of the house had a washing-machine plugged into this socket.
If I power my portable drill from this socket the solitary RCD in the CU promptly trips. If I power the drill from any socket on the downstairs ring the RCD does not trip. Both rings are protected by the one RCD as far as I can tell, so why doesn't the RCD trip with the drill on the downstairs ring?
If I power my portable drill from this socket the solitary RCD in the CU promptly trips. If I power the drill from any socket on the downstairs ring the RCD does not trip. Both rings are protected by the one RCD as far as I can tell, so why doesn't the RCD trip with the drill on the downstairs ring?