Naming Roads after people

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Deleted member 294929

Naming Roads or buildings after people. Why do the authorities do it and what is a good reason for it?:

Example: Zelenskyy Avenue. This is about the 3rd name this Avenue has ever had.
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After independence in 1980 many main streets in Harare were renamed from colonial heroes to ZANU/ZIPRA heroes, one in particular was the main road in to the city, a wide avenue with flowering trees renamed Samora Machel who was a big Mugabe supporter, the street named after the Nkomo supporter Kenneth Kaunda was a dingy side street near the shunting yards
The thing about naming Streets is the logic that everyone would agree with someone's personal opinion or admiration for said person.

I like Zelenskyy, I hope and think he is a force for good. But not everyone thinks like me.
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Virtue signaling twaddle. I'd think more of councils if they named streets after local people who'd done good for their community for decades i.e. those who often go unnoticed.

Yes I think if your going to do it then do as you say.
Naming Roads or buildings after people. Why do the authorities do it and what is a good reason for it?:

Example: Zelenskyy Avenue. This is about the 3rd name this Avenue has ever had.
Where is that because I always wondered what happened to him after we left school.
It would be good to catch up with him. :rolleyes:
Oh for goodness sake, what is it with some folk on here, they feel the need to argue a point to the enth degree. My point was simply this, if streets are to be renamed I'd sooner they were named after ordinary members of the public who'd done good for their local community. Of course they could still be a wrong 'un etc etc, why bring that into it?

Jeez ...
Oh for goodness sake, what is it with some folk on here, they feel the need to argue a point to the enth degree. My point was simply this, if streets are to be renamed I'd sooner they were named after ordinary members of the public who'd done good for their local community. Of course they could still be a wrong 'un etc etc, why bring that into it?

Jeez ...
Name of the forum is General Discussion is it not? I much prefer naming after rivers, mountains ,trees etc
Lusardi link Road
Pot Stewart Road
David Beckham Boulevard
Victoria Bendham
MichaelBarry Moor
Rik Mayall Springs
Rupert Grint Mile
Glenn Hoddle Street
Ray Winston Croft

Would have been some regrets there I think.
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