All the tampers need to be closed when you test the bell by the panel.
Tape or any other means.
You look like the wiring is correct. But getting a supply to it and then testing with a hard negative should get the correct set up. Its hard to try and imagine but easier on site. So get tampers closed and power to the bell and feed the trigger directly. Then use bell test with it wired up. This willprove the panel and the bell.
Without the engineers code you will be stuffed for programming. I take it you have tried 456789?
All we can is is keep trying, its not going to beat us, never having used this panel before!!!!!
Tape or any other means.
You look like the wiring is correct. But getting a supply to it and then testing with a hard negative should get the correct set up. Its hard to try and imagine but easier on site. So get tampers closed and power to the bell and feed the trigger directly. Then use bell test with it wired up. This willprove the panel and the bell.
Without the engineers code you will be stuffed for programming. I take it you have tried 456789?
All we can is is keep trying, its not going to beat us, never having used this panel before!!!!!