Need help swapping Boss Therm for Honeywell timer & heating receiver

Just checking now and it’s exactly as you describe - top left goes to BR1 Top right to BUT2 backplate.

That sounds very easy… The black in T5 would just be removed along with the rest of the wires for BR1, where would the grey wire from T5 go?
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That sounds very easy… The black in T5 would just be removed along with the rest of the wires for BR1, where would the grey wire from T5 go?
Sorry, I'm still thinking it through!

Actually, put the spare grey cable (from the BUT2) into the spare terminal 6 of the wiring centre and the grey wire from the BR1 (currently in with the Lives), into terminal 6 as well.

That way, the wiring to the BR1 can be utilised for the DT92E and the BUT2 wiring can be used by the ST9400C.
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After completing the above.
With the current BUT2 wiring to the ST9400C backplate,

Blue to N
Brown to L
Black to 3 (HW on)
Grey to 4 (C/H on)
Green/Yellow to Earth

And with the current BR1 wiring to the DT92E

Blue to N
Brown to L
Grey to A
Black to B

I hope that makes sense! :)
With the current BUT2 wiring to the ST9400C backplate,

Blue to N
Brown to L
Black to 3 (HW on)
Grey to 4 (C/H on)
Green/Yellow to Earth
Or utilise existing BUT2 backplate, move the black into terminal 3, grey into terminal 4 and connect other end with heating on connection, remove the live link to terminal 2 and then carry on for the wiring as you describe for DT92E?
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Or utilise existing BUT2 backplate, move the black into terminal 3, grey into terminal 4 and connect other end with heating on connection, remove the live link to terminal 2 and then carry on for the wiring as you describe for DT92E?
Yup, would work perfectly - although the ST9400C backplate is a little bigger, so more aesthetically pleasing! :)

...and a Hive would still have been simpler! ;)

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