Never knew (2)

It might not be very PC these days to use those words to describe minorities, but I don't think using them makes a person homophobic, racist or or any other ist.
Those words were part of our language growing up, we all used them but we all ran around together. All those minority people were part of our group.
I served my time in a garage in the early 70's, the language, isms, insults etc that were flying around every minute of every day would make your your hair curl, (I mean no offence to anyone with curly hair) What a laugh it was at the time.
I wouldn't like to be an apprentice these days with all this PC sh¡t, we'd all be locked up.
It's a typical example of microaggression. It is homophobic, but the orator/author of such terms might not be intentionally homophobic. It's a behaviour, almost unconscious, internalised from what was once socially acceptable bigotry. But nowadays more people are aware, and becoming aware, of the origin of that behaviour.
As you point out, at one time it was normal terminology used against homosexuals. It was designed to ostracise them.
If people wish to continue using such outdated terminology, and continue unconsciously and inadvertently casing offence, that's up to them.

Others who become aware of the bigoted origins of the terms refrain from using such language, or unconscious behaviour.

Some, having realised why they use such terms have the decency to apologise to anyone offended.
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