I think there's a strong case for banning 4x4 cars from towns and other built-up areas.
If you live in the country and it's "essential" for your way of life, then by all means. But park and ride when you get close to towns and cities.
Are you suggesting it's not possible to fit an accurate speedo? I've got one on my pushbike.
If your speedo is out by 5% then you can recalculate that in your head.
No they wouldn't - every village has them.
the cost is astronomical.
Are you suggesting it's not possible to fit an accurate speedo? I've got one on my pushbike.
You are a silly copper that don't know nuffink.
Do you want to rephrase that sentence?i know how to spell nothing.
Do you want to rephrase that sentence?i know how to spell nothing.