New boiler quote :- Seem ok?

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Nor would I say that I use a diamond core drill to make the flue hole. Its all part of the process of fitting a boiler.

Now I might mention something like weather compensation as thats a useful optional extra that some customers might be able to use, but not all.

Many like to turn up the stat to 30° until its too hot and then turn it down to 10°.

Well ive accept the quote for £1350, starts on monday.

I will report back next week.......... hopefully all is well :)
Many like to turn up the stat to 30° until its too hot and then turn it down to 10°.

thats not a very good way to use a central heating system...or at least its not the way the boilers are designed to be used when compensation controls are fitted...

customers also expect installers to know better than them at least about the boilers and the installation process...

I think Johnny will be OK, but who sounds like he had a meaningful dialogue with the installer and that bodes well...after all employing a tradesmen is a relationship...albeit it a professional one..
Looking at the deal he got I can't help but wonder how the installer can start on Monday - he should be booked up until July. :confused:
Well ive accept the quote for £1350, starts on monday.

I will report back next week.......... hopefully all is well :)

Take some pictures before and after. This guy sounds genuine enough.

Personally I think the quote is quite reasonable, if you consider the boiler to be around 800 quid, and the installation charge around 500 quid, two days work, for someone who has all the tools and knows what he has to do. and does not run into problems. so may be 3 days, so 3 days work 500 quid, some would do it if there isn't anything else going for them.
as someone objected to my signature, I have voluntarily replaced them with what I do best. :LOL:
So if the boiler was 800 quid you think that the other 500 is pure profit?
You just haven't got a clue mate.
He's VAT registered so he's doing something.
It sounds too low to me, unless work is really tight wherever you are. He's covering costs, but what's left isn't a pay rate many would want the hassle of being self employed for.

Perhaps he has a particular reason to quote that low.
I agree. its a bargain for the OP...but there may be reasons...vat return???
Let's hope it's a bargain for me.

Spoke with him tonight to confirm everything, all went well. 8am start Monday morning.

Think he said he will spend Monday ripping old boiler out/powerflush system and maybe take floor boards up for additional wiring. He said if I wanted to have heating he could leave boiler in but as I don't have a lot of heating now said 1 night won't do me any bother if it makes his job abit easier.

We will see...fingers and toes crossed :mrgreen:
I agree. its a bargain for the OP...but there may be reasons...vat return???

What so hes robbing Peter to pay Paul .......... Great buisness model that

Most prob short of work ... Hes making depending what hes paying for the boiler £450 max ... £75 of that has to go to the vat man so hes left with £375.00 or £187.50 a day

Lets calculate his van, public liabilty insurance, gas safe stuff, tools ... I assume youve seen his insurance ... Say £50.00 per day ( thats me being kind as it costs more than that) that leaves him with £137.50 per day ... I could go on but hes working for about £30,000 a year max :(

Youve got yourself a bargain install ... well done
To be honest it's very easy to fit the magna clean and well worth it in the long run. The work great on all systems if there power flushed or not

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