Need some advise please
Scenario: mid terraced property
Right side neighbour has no extension
Left side neihgbour has single storey flat roof 3m kitchen extension
We are thinking of erecting a single storey 4 mtr full width of the property.
Question: right hand side neighbours boundry not a problem but how do we go about the left side neighbours extension. To comply with building regs can you build and use their extension wall has cavity or do you need to leave a gap then start our wall
I hope this makes sense
Need some advise please
Scenario: mid terraced property
Right side neighbour has no extension
Left side neihgbour has single storey flat roof 3m kitchen extension
We are thinking of erecting a single storey 4 mtr full width of the property.
Question: right hand side neighbours boundry not a problem but how do we go about the left side neighbours extension. To comply with building regs can you build and use their extension wall has cavity or do you need to leave a gap then start our wall
I hope this makes sense