There is a new source of fuel that is being kept secret its a mixture of 2 fluids and 3 compounds and is already being used in vehicles i got this info from a freind otto a german scientist based at oxford he says all will be reveiled in about 5 years has the oil is running out which is why iraq was invaded but it will be sold at £5 a gallon
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:eek: Mr DOLE the reason i come on here is to find out what your latest thread is !! :LOL: :LOL:
Mr Dole, I think you should change your name, to Mr Drole...

Jesus fella, you swallowed a sewage farm or something..:D
Apparently if you pour sugar into your petrol tank it makes your car work just like petrol :eek:
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Bob if you can get the formula out of your friend i think we may be able to make a bit of a killing on this one. Why don't you get him p****d and see if you can get him to spill the beans?
I think you've given it away Pete. :rolleyes: The formula is actually Pi** & beans. :LOL: ;)
Whoa oil kaput !! Does that mean the next Pres' can get into some serious desert glazing at last? I mean no oil no middle, top, bottom,left or right East required.
Methinks Otto was blotto ..
B.O.B DOLE said:
There is a new source of fuel that is being kept secret its a mixture of 2 fluids and 3 compounds and is already being used in vehicles i got this info from a freind otto a german scientist based at oxford ...................

Well that's put an end to it's being kept a secret then...........
its a mixture of 2 fluids and 3 compounds

I think I've got it: it's a wind-up, right? You're just talking about petrol.

2 fluids: it'll be some alkane and an alkene I bet
3 compounds: whatever the anti-knock agent is in petrol, plus 2 more.

Am I on the right tracks?
I don't think it would matter how cheaply it can be produced, the government would still tax it inline with the current petrol prices.

The motorist has to pay for those 80 day holidays somehow ;)
Igorian said:
I think you've given it away Pete. :rolleyes: The formula is actually Pi** & beans. :LOL: ;)
"beans", LPG Conversion. I'm sure we can work something out. :LOL:
Would that German Be Otto, of the Otto cycle Fame.and is his daughter called Mercedes? :LOL: Vorsprung Durch Schizen :rolleyes:
Nige F said:
Would that German Be Otto, of the Otto cycle Fame.and is his daughter called Mercedes? :LOL: Vorsprung Durch Schizen :rolleyes:
sorry with late response to your replies but i have just been on a top secret meeting with Otto the german proffessor and assurs me he can reproduce this amazing fuel all he needs is someone one to back him up with a few hundred grand to set up is refinary i am not looking for any sponsorships of any kind has this has already been taken up by a few close freinds i just want to let you now i will be famous in two years and richer than a king see you on the news at ten.
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