New Sentence Game.

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nice to see you Joe :)


scrap negativity, inevitably positivity enhances
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entering new hallows, and now contributing, excellent submissions

sublime undulations bring much instant sexual satisfaction in only nine seconds.

(sorry it's a bit crude).
I've seen worse :)


securing effortless comfort offers new dimensions surely :eek: :confused:

sometimes, understanding reason eventually loses you.

utter nonesense helps insatiable desire deliberately encouraging Nihilism.
(what the hell is Joe doing in this room?... are you lost my old friend? :eek: )


now i hate instant life, it's surely metaphysical?

negativity inherently helps inward looking individuals seeking meaning
( he is playing the game and not causing trouble so don't start.....omg you beat me to it )
( he is playing the game and not causing trouble so don't start.....omg you beat me to it )

give over Suse... i've said many times, Joe is a double edged sword..... in this guise.. he's clever, funny (blew me out of the water on the submarine gags!! - (boy can he blow !!! ;) ), and a great help to many people... it's the other side of him i fall out with !!)

As for this game.... it was a joke.... :eek: everyone is equally as welcome as i am !!! or moreso !!? ;)
metaphysical :evil: (that was a stinker IM)

mythical extremes, tales, and parables, haven't yet sourced immortal causes authenticating life
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