NI Protocol - Windsor Framework

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Everyone now is open to enticement by way of consumerism in the western world
It has been said that once people stop believing in something, they start believing in anything.
Thats why more people go to shopping centres on a Sunday rather than to a church.
Consumerism is the new religion
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Nah, it's because they don't believe in the supernatural any more.
My wife is a Amazon Prime.
Their vans are never away from the door.
Don't expect his answers to have any depth vinty he's the forums questionmaster.
There was no scam.
Just a very stupid piece of legislation which Sinn Féin and the rest of the Stormont government voted for.
It was voted in by all with good intentions but driven forward and implemented on Arleen's watch.
It was voted in by all with good intentions but driven forward and implemented on Arleen's watch.
The legislation was scrutinised by all the parties and then voted on, including Sinn Féin.
Sinn Féin knew exactly what they were voting for,or maybe not.
The public obviously weren't as dumb as their elected representatives, it wasn't long before they spotted the loopholes in the RHI scheme, every pound you spent on fuel for your boiler, you got more than a pound back as a rebate.
The more ash you generated, the more cash you got, all completely legal, WTF.
Where else in the world would debacles like this be tolerated.
The British government has pledged a 3.3-billion-pound ($4.2bn) financial package for Northern Ireland on the resumption of the assembly.
But while Donaldson claimed that the new agreement removed the Irish Sea border, not everyone in his party has been convinced by the new deal. Sammy Wilson, a House of Commons DUP parliamentarian, complained that, unlike England, Scotland and Wales, Northern Ireland had still not completely severed itself from the EU.

“Despite the gains that my party leader and deputy party leader have made in these negotiations, the fact remains that in Northern Ireland there are still EU-manned border posts being built which will create a border within our own country,” he claimed.

Indeed, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has painted a bleak picture of the state of Northern Ireland’s healthcare system. “Northern Ireland’s health crisis has worsened considerably over the past two years,” reported the BMJ on January 31. “Waiting lists are at an all time high – the worst anywhere in the UK or Ireland – while many GP surgeries are teetering on the brink.”

Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Fein’s president, said earlier this week that Irish unification was now within “touching distance”.

“The latest research, as published in recent weeks in The Irish Times, indicates that there is not a majority in Northern Ireland in favour of Irish unification,” said Garry. In that research, it was found that half favoured remaining in the United Kingdom, 30 percent favoured unification with Ireland, while the remainder either didn’t know or would not vote.

“So, public opinion is significantly favouring the Union rather than Irish unification,” said Garry.

During the second world war Stormont was daubed with cow manure to camouflage it from German bombers. Jim Allister of the hardline Traditional Unionist Voice suggested the place still stank. “We have a Sinn Féin first minister, but not in my name, nor in the name of thousands of unionists who will never bow the knee to IRA-Sinn Féin,” he said.
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