If you are genuinely interested in hearing all sides, watch it all before you poo poo it.
What in that video do you take issue with and why?
What in that video do you take issue with and why?
1) He tweeted “are the police not telling us the truth”What misinformation has he spread? Did you watch it? What in that video do you take issue with and why?
I would agree entirely with that apart from the Farage bit - if anything they were the Labour riots, the utter despair that the left is now in charge - more wokeness & more migrants seem inevitableAnybody charged with violence at these Farage Riots should be sent to Rwanda….they can’t complain because they claimed it’s an effective deterrent
No, this started before the rw riots, total inaction in leeds made the police look farcical - then they showed us they can police when it is white people rioting.