Nigels view on how to stop the riots.

People who can’t get council houses, doctors appointments, hospital operations, dental appointments, school places…
I think you'll find that those problems are mainly caused by corruption and fiddling by companies and individuals which is stealing vast amounts of money from the public purse!
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That’s population growth not net migration , people do have children .
and people do die, without net inward migration thode dying would cancel out those being born, and ideally the population would remain stable.
and people do die, without net inward migration thode dying would cancel out those being born, and ideally the population would remain stable.
But in reality the world population continues to grow and always has.
Death rates have never matched birth rates .
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You see violent terrorist arsonist rioting scumbag morons, as the opposition to Labour?
no one cares for the rioters, deport them to rwanda for all I care. those idiots are undermining the cause they are passionate about in stopping our country being over-run

Their gripe is greatly supported (may be a third of the population) and two tier kier would like to shut everyone up who doesnt tow his line - a bit like Putin does
That’s where you are going wrong.
Thank you for pointing that out...

So I've corrected it...

"I know that you'll find that those problems are mainly caused by corruption and fiddling by companies and individuals which is stealing vast amounts of money from the public purse!"

You of course know nothing, so you swerve every single post that you don't like/don't understand :rolleyes:

Which let's face it is most of the posts on this forum ;)
Their gripe is greatly supported (may be a third of the population) and two tier kier would like to shut everyone up who doesnt tow his line - a bit like Putin does

In what way is Starmer emulating Putin?
Nope, people are/were living longer over most of the last 20 years ...

Although the UK in the last couple of years declined more than the G7 average...

Main points from latest release​

  • In 2021, there were 694,685 live births in the UK, an increase of 1.9% from 681,560 in 2020.
  • There were 666,659 deaths registered in the UK in 2021, a decrease of 3.3% from 689,629 in 2020.
I said roughly but even so, more births than deaths. Doesn't matter how many were living longer, more people were being born than dying.
Thank you for pointing that out...

So I've corrected it...

"I know that you'll find that those problems are mainly caused by corruption and fiddling by companies and individuals which is stealing vast amounts of money from the public purse!"

You of course know nothing, so you swerve every single post that you don't like/don't understand :rolleyes:

Which let's face it is most of the posts on this forum ;)
Well, now that you know that to be true, do you have any evidence to back up your accusations?
I'll say only once: any fool thinking that their enemy is their neighbour is a fool.
Any fool who thinks that violence will sort anything out is a fool.
This division was predicted by "conspiracy theorists" a long time ago and fuelled by the authorities by doing or failing to do certain things.
Their agenda proceeds unchallenged because they create diversions.
And these riots are just the result of this.
Why - because I am concerned about U.K. population and not arguing about population growth outside the U.K? How’s that NIMBY?
You've just described the definition of NIMBY...

Because you only care about one 'place', and you have no idea about the fact that what happens elsewhere affects 'your place in the world'!
And yet still less than the peaceful 'Just Stop Oil' protestors!
3years is the max for the offence - if someone pleads guilty. I doubt if the sorry and shame had any effect. The bloke also has history.

Main points from latest release​

  • In 2021, there were 694,685 live births in the UK, an increase of 1.9% from 681,560 in 2020.
  • There were 666,659 deaths registered in the UK in 2021, a decrease of 3.3% from 689,629 in 2020.
I said roughly but even so, more births than deaths. Doesn't matter how many were living longer, more people were being born than dying.
So people are living longer/dying in less numbers than before, although as I said that is changing...

What sort of strain do you think that puts upon public services?
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