No apology. Mayor.

kendor wrote,

Don't know if you watched the latest interview with Ken just now on the news? I think that you may be being a bit harsh on him as he has said he's nothing to hide but doesn't want this badly timed incident causing any problems to the IOC inspection and has agreed to meet jewish communities and whoever else to explain himself in a few days when the IOC have left.

What's he thinking of saying that, is he saying these people never watch TV or read papers? If I was one of the IOC guy's I would find this very condescending.

It sounds like a politician turning a cock up into a patriotic gesture to me. From a Jewish perspective its not long ago that we had labours flying pigs either.
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i dont see a problem with what he said. Its been taken totally out of context and i think those that are jumping up and down about it are showing a bit of stupidity. As was said before he made a comparison with the bit about the guys response only being his job

it was only my job to draw the plans
it was only my job to work out the train timetable
it was only my job to drive the train with the cattle trucks
it was only my job to close the door

thats pretty much how the bbc advertised the recent series on the holocaust, and i think thats the point ken was trying to make
I don't know whether the journalist would have been personally offended by Ken's comment, I would guess that lot are pretty thick skinned; but I bet he thought christmas had come early when he realised the mileage he could get out of it!

pna said:
Kendor - thought you were going to totally ignore anything D&J said from now on? There was talk of a £500 bet. Or have you guys made up now and I missed it?

Credit cards accepted!
pna said:
Kendor - thought you were going to totally ignore anything D&J said from now on? There was talk of a £500 bet. Or have you guys made up now and I missed it?
It was starting to get a bit abusive and it was those replies i was going to avoid. I don't hold grudges and as the heat seems to have dropped there is no reason to continue a boycott as such. £500? I never shook on any amount ;)
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david and julie said:
kendor wrote,

Don't know if you watched the latest interview with Ken just now on the news? I think that you may be being a bit harsh on him as he has said he's nothing to hide but doesn't want this badly timed incident causing any problems to the IOC inspection and has agreed to meet jewish communities and whoever else to explain himself in a few days when the IOC have left.

What's he thinking of saying that, is he saying these people never watch TV or read papers? If I was one of the IOC guy's I would find this very condescending.

It sounds like a politician turning a cock up into a patriotic gesture to me. From a Jewish perspective its not long ago that we had labours flying pigs either.
But that's the point along with what you said about the flying pigs, it's making a mountain out of a molehill it's not been put forward in any sort of racist way.
They are trying to find a racist angle on something that isn't there.
Perhaps young Kennard, deep down, doesn't want the Olympics .... Pouring rain, pickpockets, grimy dump to hold something as inspiring as the Olympics .. And being talked up as regenerative for the East end -- ahem, 'Wot abaht the games then ? .....' We'll be paying for another pot of sh it .. mark my words ... Multiple purpose accomodation and stadia mean one thing cheap 'n nasty .... what an advert, but then quite possibly what we deserve !! ;)
It will be interesting to see if we could deliver everything on time for the olympics if successful, The greeks managed it in the end but could we?
and at what cost?
Cannot deliver the sun or the performances -- better left to wither on the vine ! Where are the local stadia ? Bu##er the east end we want facilities for the kids who do not riot, don't grab the headlines as 'deprived', but quietly get on with their lot ... no provision for activities whatever, been there, cricket, football in the fields coats for goal posts, day in day out, what great times, with no resources except our own initiative ;)
I have no interest in the Olympics whatsoever and believe the money could be better spent. I am also not interested in the North/South divide either. Purely from a financial aspect, half of this infrastructure was already built in Manchester for the commonwealth games. We have talked before about overdevelopment and building on greenbelt in the south. If we must host this sort of event we must get out of this centralist ethos. Manchester and Liverpool already have most of these facilities and are also more in need of employment and regeneration than London.

From a regeneration point of view The Midlands or the North East would also make more sense than London.

I also believe given that Manchester was reckoned to have hosted the best Commonwealth games ever that we may of had a better chance too.The IOC guy's were at the commenwealth games and were said to be impressed at the time, they even said it would put us in good stead for a North West bid,because we have proved we can do it. Is the Olympics just an excuse to spend more lottery money down south? Surely given land values and wages it would be cheaper almost anywhere in the UK?
If we did go for a decentralised Olympics, then it would be a good reason to improve the rail infrastructure between UK cities.

Currently it takes about 2.5 hours to get from London to Manchester by train. It now takes about the same time to get from London to Paris! I'm not sure if all the high-speed bits are in operation yet, it could be that in a few years it is quicker to go London to Paris than London to Manchester.

What if we went for Dave's decentralised olympics? Build high-speed tracks between major cities. Not just the 140mph tracks we are used to, I'm talking proper 200mph+ rated tracks so we can have the current batch of 186mph trains with room for improvement later on.

Sweet. :D
AdamW said:
If we did go for a decentralised Olympics, then it would be a good reason to improve the rail infrastructure between UK cities.

Currently it takes about 2.5 hours to get from London to Manchester by train. It now takes about the same time to get from London to Paris! I'm not sure if all the high-speed bits are in operation yet, it could be that in a few years it is quicker to go London to Paris than London to Manchester.

What if we went for Dave's decentralised olympics? Build high-speed tracks between major cities. Not just the 140mph tracks we are used to, I'm talking proper 200mph+ rated tracks so we can have the current batch of 186mph trains with room for improvement later on.

Sweet. :D
As long as the leaves on the tracks were rated at 200MPH+ aswell. ;)
kendor said:
It will be interesting to see if we could deliver everything on time for the olympics if successful, The greeks managed it in the end but could we?
and at what cost?
Oh, as long as you don't mention the white elephant, erm sorry I meant the Millennium Dome.

The Wembley statium costing more than they thought now.

Well the Olympics, I'm not saying anything!
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