No confidence vote against TM as party leader

Stupidity got us into this mess, why can't it get us out of the mess?

And if she loses, what happens to the planned discussions with EU on Thursday?
She will no longer be truly the representative of UK.

One of the costs of Brexit, numerous cabinet ministers and two PMs?
Indeed,stupidity of being in EU too long
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'Voted in' by a single political party for their own interests - so much for dumping the 'undemocratic EU'!

But then Labours constitution doesnt even allow a vote of no confidence -otherwise Corbyn wouldve got the boot a few years back.
Well whatever happens, chances are that at some point we'll get a new unelected PM...
'Voted in' by a single political party for their own interests - so much for dumping the 'undemocratic EU'! cannot seriously prefer Corbyn?
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Apparently the 'elite' are allowed to vote again and again

Well spotted, parliament vote on lots of things all the time.
Did you think there should be referendum every week?
And maybe also why you might think it a good process to have an unelected leader imposed on us?

Even if there was a general election, the public don't get to choose the leader of a party, do they?
You aren't making sense.
Whats different with Labour?

answer: nothing; Corbyn is fence sitting as he cant commit to be either remain or leave in case it upsets his support. He is playing party politics.

He isnt a very convincing remainer, he has voted against the EU on many occasions over the years
If you haven't noticed, this is tory infighting yet again :rolleyes:

And labour 'playing party politics' is hardly surprising given our undemocratic/unrepresentative electoral system!

An electoral system btw that has consistently put into parliament a majority of EU supporting MP's, contrary to the apparent 'will of the people' !
Even if there was a general election, the public don't get to choose the leader of a party, do they?
You aren't making sense.
Ah, so you are telling us that the personality and policies of the party leader doesn't win (or lose) an election?

Next you'll be telling us that quitters knew what they were voting for...
(not that you're on solid ground in that respect :) )
Ah, so you are telling us that the personality and policies of the party leader doesn't win (or lose) an election?

You can twist it whichever way you like. The public don't get to choose which leader they want for a party. Never have, never will.

In a general election the electorate vote for the manifesto and the leader. If the leader gets changed mid term, the manifesto remains.

You just want to choose any opportunity to rant no about the UK parliament being undemocratic at any opportunity.
No democracy in the world is democratic. The reality is that where you get concentrations of power, you get vested interests.

A few days ago you were crowing how the fact parliament is not allowing the no deal or the May deal to go through, saying it was 'parliamentary democracy in action'.
Seems like when its in your favour it is democratic, when it isnt then you complain its not a democratic process.
And maybe also why you might think it a good process to have an unelected leader imposed on us?

It's the fashion. We have a bunch of unelected ****s over the water.
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