FENSA inspectors like you to have TV's in bathrooms/shower rooms, kitchens and utilities. In other words, anywhere that gets steamy. You don't have to have one on every window in the house unless its a new build.
According to my information from Building Control, you do if you're replacing a window that had a trickle vent. And you are also expected to ensure adequate ventilation wherever the window is installed. I quote from the regulations introduced in 2006:
3.3 To comply with Requirement F1, all replacement windows should include trickle ventilators. Alternatively, an equivalent background ventilation opening should be provided in the same room. In all cases, the ventilation opening should not be smaller than was originally provided, and it should be controllable."
The easiest way to achieve this is with a trickle vent. Of course, there are other options of which ventilation bricks is one, whole-heat recovery systems another. The basic fact is though that anyone who thinks double glazing reduces condensation is mistaken. It removes it from windows but water vapour is water vapour and it must condense somewhere. If it's not on the windows, it's somewhere else, such as the fabric of the house of which black mould behind cupboards is one obvious example.
You’ve mis-quoted section 3.3; the bit “trickle ventilators must be fitted” is in section 3.4! There is also an amendment to the 2006 edition you quote (see the gov website) which overrides the lot as follows:
Delete paragraph 3.4 and replace with the following:
“3.4. Where the original windows were fitted with trickle ventilators the replacement
windows should include them and they should be sized as set-out in paragraph
3.6. It would be good practice to fit trickle ventilators (or equivalent), with accessible
controls, in all replacement windows to help with control of condensation and improve indoor air quality”.
So as far as I can see, the requirement to fit trickle vents where thre was none fitted before has been superseded by amendment to an advisory note only; so you don’t have to fit them if they were not fitted before.