No You Don't just die and thats it.......

Utter rubbish when people think after you die and thats it, we are not just blood and flesh, proof is there that something else occupies our mind/conscious, be it a soul, and it can take another birth after death, many cultures believe in this. So Evolution goes down the toilet pan!


Also I may add, not everyone can remember their past lives, we are designed not to remember our past lives because they can trouble us in future, so a few who do, that is where their soul's have not been properly erased, or their past memories locked away, hence through a fault of some kind they can remember their past experiences.

I never believed in evolution and that we are just blood and flesh and that when our heart stops we are clinically dead, yes we are only the body that housed our soul may have scumbed to death, our soul/energy live for ever.

Fruitcake atheists will never offen an explanation for this as it's clearly Gods work.
Their too busy being deluded with debauchary, immorality and the tabernacles of iniquity.

You forgot to add spelling and grammar to that list as well.
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They wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the glans. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And you wouldn't understand it anyway. coz your thick.

OK Eddie. Let's try again.

Where did the Universe come from?

Did it come from nothing? Or from something? If it's something then let's call that something God.

Did it come from nothing? OK, what acted upon the nothing to make it a something? Let's give it a name. Let's call it God.

There you go Eddie. Prove me wrong. (he won't). :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

OK here's ur answers.

It came from nothing, nothing acted on nothing to make it nothing (nothing exists). satisfied, prove me wrong.

You've proved yourself wrong. Your science tells you that every effect must have a cause. :mrgreen:

I think you'll find that is cause has an effect, dimwit.
Fruitcake atheists will never offen an explanation for this as it's clearly Gods work.
Their too busy being deluded with debauchary, immorality and the tabernacles of iniquity.
The trouble with your argument is that you assume that it is god's preference to follow one of the organised religion's methodology and ethics. You, nor anyone else, can "prove" that He wouldn't rather that we all went bu ggering sheep and stealing from each other.

God gave us the ten commandments which proves you wrong.
Where are these commandments? I mean the specific tablets?

Trouble is, God appears to have given us a load of other stuff as well. It may well be the case that God has in fact given us eff all, or that He has given us something which we have chosen to ignore.
They wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the glans. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And you wouldn't understand it anyway. coz your thick.

OK Eddie. Let's try again.

Where did the Universe come from?

Did it come from nothing? Or from something? If it's something then let's call that something God.

Did it come from nothing? OK, what acted upon the nothing to make it a something? Let's give it a name. Let's call it God.

There you go Eddie. Prove me wrong. (he won't). :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No, let's not call it God, let's call it Pasta or Blue knob cheese, or anything else you care to make up on the spot.

Please come back with the definition of a theory and lets see how that stacks up, there is a big difference between a theory and a guess.
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Fruitcake atheists will never offen an explanation for this as it's clearly Gods work.
Their too busy being deluded with debauchary, immorality and the tabernacles of iniquity.
The trouble with your argument is that you assume that it is god's preference to follow one of the organised religion's methodology and ethics. You, nor anyone else, can "prove" that He wouldn't rather that we all went bu ggering sheep and stealing from each other.

God gave us the ten commandments which proves you wrong.

Prove it with empirical evidence.
They wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the glans. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And you wouldn't understand it anyway. coz your thick.

OK Eddie. Let's try again.

Where did the Universe come from?

Did it come from nothing? Or from something? If it's something then let's call that something God.

Did it come from nothing? OK, what acted upon the nothing to make it a something? Let's give it a name. Let's call it God.

There you go Eddie. Prove me wrong. (he won't). :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No, let's not call it God, let's call it Pasta or Blue knob cheese, or anything else you care to make up on the spot.

Please come back with the definition of a theory and lets see how that stacks up, there is a big difference between a theory and a guess.

So essentially you cannot see this universe was created on purpose, so that once God had set the seeds of intelligence beings, they might perhaps one day be able to work out how and who created it, we are almost there, many religious people already know that, but some of you are still living in concrete caves. :mad:

Isn't it so OBVIOUS that because God existed that we are here after all and that the universe is here afterall and that before creating us he created Aliens, who may have a role to play in our settling on the earth, and that they visit us regularly in their UFOs. Its obvious, same as we have started to wonder out into the space, but we have many many more eons to go before we can find a perfect way to visit distant planets in other galaxies and possibly set human seed up there as per God's plans or his intended purpose.
They wouldn't recognise the truth if it bit them on the glans. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

And you wouldn't understand it anyway. coz your thick.

OK Eddie. Let's try again.

Where did the Universe come from?

Did it come from nothing? Or from something? If it's something then let's call that something God.

Did it come from nothing? OK, what acted upon the nothing to make it a something? Let's give it a name. Let's call it God.

There you go Eddie. Prove me wrong. (he won't). :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No, let's not call it God, let's call it Pasta or Blue knob cheese, or anything else you care to make up on the spot.

Please come back with the definition of a theory and lets see how that stacks up, there is a big difference between a theory and a guess.

So essentially you cannot see this universe was created on purpose, so that once God had set the seeds of intelligence beings, they would be ble to work out how and who created it, we are almost there, but some of you are still living in concrete caves. :mad:

You certainly are, who made God (not that it exists)?
So essentially you cannot see this universe was created on purpose, so that once God had set the seeds of intelligence beings, they would be ble to work out how and who created it, we are almost there, but some of you are still living in concrete caves. :mad:
Not sure how man mad "concrete" comes into it. :confused:

However, let's have a closer look at your argument - if God has created an intelligent being who could work things out, why did He see the need to send down someone to explain it to us? Moreover, why does He keep allowing a load of others to make out that they are delivering His views, especially since these different views tend to lead to massive and fatal arguments?

Surely, if there was a God, who wished us all to live in the way in which He intended, it wouldn't be beyond His wit nor ability to speak to us all in one almighty booming voice and set the record straight for once and for all.
Isn't it so OBVIOUS that because God existed that we are here after all and that the universe is here afterall and that before creating us he created Aliens, who may have a role to play in our settling on the earth, and that they visit us regularly in their UFOs. Its obvious, same as we have started to wonder out into the space, but we have many many more eons to go before we can find a perfect way to visit distant planets in other galaxies and possibly set human seed up there as per God's plans or his intended purpose.
If there is any mileage in this, then God seems to have fooked up.
I think it's fair to say that if there was a god, it would want harmony... but we don't have harmony, we have a virtual world war.... 4200 different gods, islam muscling itself all over....

The notion of a christian god being in charge of this mess is so far fetched it's ridiculous.
I think it's fair to say that if there was a god, it would want harmony... but we don't have harmony, we have a virtual world war.... 4200 different gods, islam muscling itself all over....

The notion of a christian god being in charge of this mess is so far fetched it's ridiculous.
The standard response is tha god gave mankind free will. Which begs the question as to why He felt it necessary to stick his nose into it again which, depending on which religion you want to follow (as in randomly born into), contradicts His non-involvement as a prerequisite for faith.
I think it's fair to say that if there was a god, it would want harmony... but we don't have harmony, we have a virtual world war.... 4200 different gods, islam muscling itself all over....

The notion of a christian god being in charge of this mess is so far fetched it's ridiculous.
The standard response is tha god gave mankind free will. Which begs the question as to why He felt it necessary to stick his nose into it again which, depending on which religion you want to follow (as in randomly born into), contradicts His non-involvement as a prerequisite for faith.

I totally agree with you on that point, exactly why would he create a free will man and then tell him that adultery is bad for us and punishment for that is stoning to death in some religions, so this clearly indicates that God could have never said this or ordered anyone to do that, which means religions are all fake and man made.

So now comes the biggest question, this applies to both the believers and the non-believers


what are we hare for? why would even evolution wanted to create a biological life in the first place, for what exact purpose? for evolution, there is a purpose behind, so what is our purpose. I mean we are actually destroying this planet so it sure can't be evolution can it?

Do you think we are are some kind of advance biological processors that has the ability to self programme and execute things since man has developed microprocessors that need programming, and separate machines to execute those instructions, so are we some kind of intelligent microprocessors being farmed in a large scale for some other kind of super intelligent race to possibly do something for them one day...remember I said what is our purpose in Universe?
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