Noisy water in central heating system

For fastest result:
stop water topup with stopcock for ballvalve, or tie ballvalve up.
drain 1 -2 buckets from the system.
add chemical.
open topup.
bengasman - now that you've got me on the chemicals avenue, i have had a look at sentinels website and based on their product description, my plan of action would be to first add the x300 system cleanser, run the pump on full blast for a couple of hours then drain the system completely. Once the system is filled up, add the X100 corrosrion inhibitor and the X200 limescale preventer ( which also - they claim- reduces boiler noise). Does this sound like a good plan?
I would say that you should first clean the system, and then rinse it thoroughly, before adding x100.
the best people to ask are sentinel, as they know the best how their products work together.
My starting plan would be x800, IF your boiler can handle it, than a limescaleremover, maybe followed by another clean.
It all depends on how much, and what kind of carp is in the system.
Hello bengasman, according to the info on sentinel's website, X800 is for powerflushing. I have got three quotes from three different plumbers for the powerflushing and they have all said that because my system is gravity open-vented it is possible that with powerflushing some of the joints in the pipework may break. If I use the X800 and then just drain the system would that be good enough?
If you want to give it a DIY clean, you will get a LOT of sediment out by circulating X400 (for up to 4 weeks for best results). At this time of year you can open the rads and run the CH pump with the boiler turned down to cold most of the day. X400 is non-aggressive and I have not known it cause any probs even in very old and neglected systems (I am a householder not a pro but have done a few cleans) especially if you can do simple plumbing and can afford £100 to fit a Magnaclean on a 22mm return pipe as well. I guarantee you will be amazed and delighted at how much black sediment it traps, and it continues working permanently. You just need to empty it from time to time.

From my amateur POV, I wouldn't have thought much limescale would have collected in your boiler yet, as it is so new, but X200 is supposed to break down limescale and prevent it forming. It too is non-aggressive and non-acidic. Add this after you have done all your cleaning and flushing though, unless you can afford to tip £15 down the drain and put another bottle in it afterwards when you add inhibitor in the final fill.
FWIW we had a new Glow Worm Flexicom 24hx fitted last week. The plumber flushed the entire system (which he said was very clean - not surprising as I have drained it down twice in the last 4 years for work) and refilled with Sentinel. This morning the heating came on and lying in bed I could hear very mild kettling sounds coming from the bedroom rad. These were much milder than we used to get with the old (20 y.o.) cast iron boiler we replaced. We are in a medium water area (Lancashire). Spoke with the plumber just now and he wasn't particularly concerned, saying it might settle down once dissolved oxygen is out of the water. I will monitor it carefully.
Spoke with the plumber just now and he wasn't particularly concerned, saying it might settle down once dissolved oxygen is out of the water.
Look at the bright side, the noise will disappear completely when the boiler packs up.

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