I tried for jobs working on the Olympic site in East London. For many of the agencies that offer jobs there, the first pre-requisite is an understanding of Polish or some other Eastern European language.
When the UK won the right to stage the Olympics, Labour ministers were overjoyed at the prospect of "British jobs for British workers" (their words not mine). However with Nu Labour's great social engineering experiment underway, it rapidly turned into British jobs for foreign workers.
I was made redundant in Nov 2009 and it took me months to find a job. (used to get stick on here for being unemployed).
The first casualty of any recession is the construction industry. It's also the last industry to come out of a recession.
At the moment I work 25hrs a week as a handyman. Yes I claim working tax credit (after all I'm entitled to it) If you can't beat them, join them.
The company I was made redundant from employed quite a few Polish workers on either minimum wage or just above. I asked one lad how he could afford to live on the minimum wage. His reply? "It's easy. I tell taxman I have wife and three children back in Poland. I get family working tax credit and child benefit."
I no have wife or children, but by time they find out I be long gone."
Says it all really
Some Polish workers would stay for around 6 months to a year then just disappear. No notice or anything. Their friends when asked if they knew what had happened always came out with the same excuse "They move back to Poland away from taxman."
The truth is that many of these immigrants will never consider the UK to be their home even if they end up living here 40 years and die here.
Many asylum seekers go back to their "home" countries for holidays once they get their british passport. No one checks on this. Look at the somalian criminal who killed the policewoman in yourkshire, guess where he went on the run, in the same country he was supposed to have escaped....
The stats show that 81% of somalis are economically inactive, 50% of pakistani bagladeshi and iranian are also economically inactive. But sorry, these are the people that do the jobs that the brits don't want....