nudey girls

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ok! I'm not talking about porn, but absolutely gorgeous young women that may even be virgins, absolutely dedicated to health and fitness.that have spend so much time working out and getting toned muscles etc that they are happy, or even desperate, to show it all off to the world via the net, here's one so you you can all do your own research "Marzia Prince" :LOL:
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You mean like this one?


well at least his breasts are real!
i would say that if you were in a large crowd, i.e a festival, concert or gathering, i bet that for every hundred people you see, at least a couple of them have 'done p**n'.

If your theory is correct, then there must be a few of us here who have aunt's, parents, grandparents and offspring, who have done a bit of porn.

Those of you with teenage daughters, take note! :evil:

anyone gonna confess to 'earning' £20 for sending the missus pics into Razzle?? :LOL:
I sent dozens of pics of my ex-wives in

Funny thing, when eventually I saw her pic published, I didn't recognise the sofa in the background :confused:
If only 0.1% (1 in a 1000) of women have done something in the sex/glamour industry at some point in their life that's still .... a frikkin result!!!

errr... I mean alot of naked, errr exploited .. hot chicks ...

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