OK I compete [not very well at present] by shooting a single shot bolt action rifle, I shoot at targets, not things.
I am more that happy to jump through all the "legal" hoops and home visits by non-uniformed Firearms police officers to be able to pursue my chosen sport.
The laws in this country are fairly tight, as we all know, there have indeed been massacres in this country, but fair play to the authorities they are really trying to prevent such actions, generally carried out by somewhat unstable persons, to try to prevent this at regular frequency within the shooting fraternity the governing bodies send out reminders to keep an eye on a ll fellow shooters, after all if you were shooting would be entirely comfortable on the firing point with someone who was considered unstable?
What i do not like is the rise in this country of "militaristic" looking / inspired looking rifles, the AR15 seems to be popular, in the favoured caliber of 0.22
Even "Air Weapons" are regularly appearing as an AR15" lookalike"
What annoys me is every time there is a serious gun related issue, generally by an un registered person gun controls are clamored for to be tightened up even in this country.
In Scotland we even have to apply for a "License" to own and shoot any sort of an Air Weapon, this is the result of a drug addict obtaining access to a rifle, discharging said weapon and killing a child. As an aside such legislation IS in the pipeline for England and Wales, brexit kicked that into the long grass
Licensing was introduced up here even although "gun related Crime" was falling result a load of money spent and a load of Air Weapon shooters financially penalised
Now the sting in the tale.
How many druggies that have access to an Air Weapon will bother about a License? how many gang members will apply for a Firearms Certificate or Shotgun license so they can undertake their nefarious activities with a very, very lethal weapon, including Air Weapons?
As far as i am concerned i will keep on complying in full with whatever legislation comes up, I like my shooting competitions
As far as the UK is concerned the Semi-Auto military style Jennie is not out the bottle, but that cannot be said about many, many other countries, the USA for starters, yes it is possible [I believe] to modify the present UK Legal Semis [generally 0.22 so called "Ruger 10 / 22] to fire off the entire mag with one squeeze of the trigger. I have never heard of a problem with such UK Legal weapons.