Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

8 Jan 2011
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Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alex Jones addresses the latest revelations about the phony document presented by the Obama White House as proof of his eligibility for high office.

Author Jerome Corsi has now become the target of White House dirty tricks coinciding with the release of his new book, ‘Where is the Birth Certificate?‘ Corsi has not backed down, but rather renewed his charges, asserting that the long-form birth certificate just released by Obama is a composite forgery made up of several real birth certificates. He has stated his intent to validate these claims in coming media interviews, including a scheduled appearance on the Alex Jones Show this Friday, May 20, 2011.

Pro-Obama factions have panicked, using a deceptive “satire” piece published in Esquire under the title “BREAKING: Jerome Corsi’s Birther Book Pulled from Shelves!” in attempt to sabotage Corsi’s books sales and public support. Simultaneously, Obama’s re-election campaign is trying to score 2012 points by mocking “birthers” with a new campaign shirt that reads “Made in America” with Obama’s image and his purported birth certificate.

But why would the White House even care about best-selling authors like Jerome Corsi (notoriously behind the John Kerry Swift Boat book) or fringe “birthers” if the released document gives all necessary proof to silence the doubters? As the Latin phrase res ipsa loquitur indicates, the thing should speak for itself. In other words, the truth lies in the evidence not the pitch for the case.
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What could Obama be trying to hide, what could be on his original birth certificate that would be so incriminating that he has to resort to these measures

Not sure of the rules regarding presidents birthplace makes no difference to me if he's born on the moon
You can only become president if you were born on american soil hence the hoo haa
He's obviously trying to hide the fact that he's really a lizard, see the 'david icke' website for more revelations about lizard people.
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If you look very closely you can see his inner eye lids blink.
The weekend this all blew up and refused to go away was the one that ended and started the next week with the fake death of OBL. An old tactic of diiversion from the problem, and Obama now looks like the patriotic war mongerer the yanks really want in office- handy since his ratings were so poor and he's past the mid terms, a nice wee boost even though they couldn't agree on the story lines.
This is all despite the fact that prior to Benazir Bhutto being assassinated she gave an interview with David Frost where she clearly said that OBL was murdered.
Scroll to 2:10 if you can't be bothered listening to the rest!


Funny how old frost didn't question her further on that- I mean OBL murdered? Bet his corporate media masters were yelling in his earpiece "DON'T F**KING GO THERE FROST IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YER PENSION, LET IT GO!!!" :LOL:
Following is cut and copied from an amerian list

The democraps have no respect for human rights or know diplomacy

HELLery Clinton had no problem kissing a Muslim woman ( they are
forbidden to kiss) even though she was the wife of a known terrorist this did not
stop the HELLery.

Geo Bush had Saddam captured and tried Dumbo BAMA having a typical Nazi
mentality had an unarmed citizen of another country executed (so much for
being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law)

The democraps Jews in the senate /congress have no respect for human rights
of citizens in this or other countries as they are above any laws
pertaining to human rights.

Ruby Ridge an unarmed child and his unarmed mother were ordered to be
killed by a sniper going as far as shooting a child in the back

Wako Texas infants burned alive who posed no threat to America but this
did not stop the Clinton Gestapo regime from performing a mini genocide.

The Clinton's, Dumbo Bama and the democratic senate should be tried for
crimes against humanity as well as war crimes killing unarmed suspected
terrorists as one is supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty by a

Bama has no respect for the constitution or the rights of citizens in the
country that elected him so how can he respect other nations?

Hellery called NYC police murders yet she (we are the president) ordered
almost 100 people to be slain

Some people need to grow up me thinks.
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