Hi i am in the process of building an off grid stand alone 240 v ac system for my shed and garden use
basically i am using a 24 volt dc input pure sine wave 1500watt peak 980watt cont the output goes into a garage type 2way rcd unit with 6amp and 16 amp trips, the rcd is a 35 millamp device,
it has all been wired up and i have 13amp socket outlets for using lights in the shed from 1 socket and from the 16amp one strimmers and lawn mowers etc,
For the earthing i have a 4ft 5/8th solid copper rod banged into the ground with a 10mm earth wire to the consumer unit it is also connected to the inverter case
i am charging the batteries with 4* 230watt solar panels wired in series and then in parallel giving me 15 amps at 58v that goes into a MPPT charger that gives out around 28v dc at around 20 amps so should be enough to charge the battery bank of deep cycle sealed batteries.
NOW THE QUESTIONS????? i bought a blue background light digital voltmeter and ammeter it picks up the current using by passing the live feed to each outlet through a ferrite wound pick up small coil i assume from E M F ?? and the volts from a normal pos plus neg connection
All worked ok from the inverter giving 230v plus AC but as soon as i connected the digital meter the rcd keeps tripping ?????
i just wonder why this is as soon as i pull the plug off the board alls ok again??
all i wanted to do was to monitor the output from the inverter and power being used at 240 v but i have come to a stop with no answer
do you think it would be possible to use an analogue volt meter, and an analogue ammeter with a 75 mili amp shunt
THE LAST QUESTION is do you think i should connect the neutral from the batteries to the earth as on a mains system???
and also the neg side of the solar panels
so it all becomes the same potential
I do know someone who has got a system but his 240 v is floating with no earth???? i think its unsafe ????
i know a lot of things now days are 2 wire fully insulated so perhaps as long as he uses those things he might be ok
by the way when i have got it all wired i am having an electrician to do all the earth loop testing etc on the system and get some test results
thanks in anticipation mick morris javascript:emoticon('8)')
By the way i am a retired gas engineer plumber

basically i am using a 24 volt dc input pure sine wave 1500watt peak 980watt cont the output goes into a garage type 2way rcd unit with 6amp and 16 amp trips, the rcd is a 35 millamp device,
it has all been wired up and i have 13amp socket outlets for using lights in the shed from 1 socket and from the 16amp one strimmers and lawn mowers etc,
For the earthing i have a 4ft 5/8th solid copper rod banged into the ground with a 10mm earth wire to the consumer unit it is also connected to the inverter case
i am charging the batteries with 4* 230watt solar panels wired in series and then in parallel giving me 15 amps at 58v that goes into a MPPT charger that gives out around 28v dc at around 20 amps so should be enough to charge the battery bank of deep cycle sealed batteries.
NOW THE QUESTIONS????? i bought a blue background light digital voltmeter and ammeter it picks up the current using by passing the live feed to each outlet through a ferrite wound pick up small coil i assume from E M F ?? and the volts from a normal pos plus neg connection
All worked ok from the inverter giving 230v plus AC but as soon as i connected the digital meter the rcd keeps tripping ?????
i just wonder why this is as soon as i pull the plug off the board alls ok again??
all i wanted to do was to monitor the output from the inverter and power being used at 240 v but i have come to a stop with no answer
do you think it would be possible to use an analogue volt meter, and an analogue ammeter with a 75 mili amp shunt
THE LAST QUESTION is do you think i should connect the neutral from the batteries to the earth as on a mains system???
and also the neg side of the solar panels
so it all becomes the same potential
I do know someone who has got a system but his 240 v is floating with no earth???? i think its unsafe ????
i know a lot of things now days are 2 wire fully insulated so perhaps as long as he uses those things he might be ok
by the way when i have got it all wired i am having an electrician to do all the earth loop testing etc on the system and get some test results
thanks in anticipation mick morris javascript:emoticon('8)')
By the way i am a retired gas engineer plumber