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They are OEM licences and are/maybe fully transferable under the terms of the agreement.

Microsoft sell PC manufactures discounted office licenses to install as part of the build. Buy the old computer and you have an office license to sell on. I suspect however the seller doesn't have the necessary resell rights. IME they work fine and you as a consumer get working software.
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They seem to be dodgy "educational" organisations who get free licences, they then sell them on, and at some point, MS will decide that the are being shafted and pull the plug.
Not for genuine resellers, like the one I posted. They sweep up legitimate software from all sorts of places and sell on at a fraction of the normal costs.
I once had some from Germany. IIRC they have a law forbidding bundling of packages, so if somebody buy a PC that comes with software, they can sell on what they don't want
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