But then she'd have to replace it with something else.. which can only be a loss making exercise unless there's a similar situation to the one below available:
A few years back one of my brother's acquaintances owed him for a tenner's worth of tobacco he'd brought back from france.. The debt was outstanding for so long that when my brother called to collect it and the guy had no money yet again, he took his car instead (a ford fiesta van) - guy had lost his licence and the keys anyway so he was happy to see it go (hammer through the window and a quick hotwire later).
Bargain of the century gets better; not only was it supremely reliable for the next year despite being deliberately neglected, thrashed and put to work in the building trade but when he first got it my brother found a tall bucket in the back that exactly takes one full bag of plaster. He's still mixing plaster in it 8 years on and he reckons it's the best value for money bucket he's never bought..