old fire alarm

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
In my old school, parts of the fire alarm were quite antiquated in some buildings. The older buildings had buzzers as sounders. They were very loud. The front of them was a red grid, and behind you could see some form of strip that presumably vibrated. You could hear them as loudly on the other side of the wooden walls. These made you want to leave the building quickly. The newer buildings had more modern sirens.

Are these old buzzers still made? Or are they obselete now sirens are almost universally used. Where would these be used if still made?
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I think you'll be lucky if you can find a similar sounder now, they are more all electronic horn sounders or perhaps bells.

What is the fire alarm panel?

Can you post a pic of the sounder?

And if it's a school, is this not covered under a maintenance contract with a fire alarm company by the LEA?
Its a purely speculative post.

I'm not planning any work lol.

I just remembered them, and wondered if they still made them.

The school was made up of 9 or 10 seperate buildings of different ages (about 40-50 classrooms), the fire alarm was one system, or several linked together, either way, the whole lot sounded at once.

I wish I had a picture to show, but about 5 of the original buildings (1960's build) had these buzzers. They were red or black, and the surface was made up mostly of a grille, behind which the mechanics of the buzzer were visible. Looked like some kind of metal strip and electromagnet setup.
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The sounder you are thinking of was made by Gent, now owned by honeywell.

it had a "adjustment screw" towars the centre.

They fitted on the standard back plate (that i do have)

I can not find a picture of it though.

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