On a Downer.

I apologise to everyone.


Just looked at a post from Blas about avoiding a day out and guess what?
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Found the 'missing' posts!

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Well its me age!
I'm not a youngster any more and I've got a lot on my plate, and it ain't food either! :cry: :cry:

I've got to lay a new floor in the front living room, (done), fit all new skirting boards, (not done), finish the skirting boards in the hall, fit new coving in the front living room, (not done), paint the ceiling, (not done), paint the skirtings, (when fitted), paper the walls, (not done), clear out the back bedroom and turn it into my study/computer room, (part done), convert a cot into a cot/bed, (done), get the washing machine fixed, (Friday), get the c/h boiler serviced, (tomorrow), sort out my mortgage payments, (tomorrow), set up a wireless internet connection, (tomorrow) and I'm only off for a week!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Easily done Conny...happens to the best of us.
Just try to get with it in future, we have enough dead heads here, without you joining them. :LOL: :LOL:
conny, take your own and wotan's advice and do as much as you can. Set yourself achievable targets. That list seems quite a stretch with everything else you've had going on (babysitting etc). Bite size chunks mate. ;)
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we have enough dead heads here

:eek: ....................................
dont get senility problems with IE8

Don't get them with concentration either!

I must remember I am a man and can't multi-task,
I must remember I am a man and can't multi-task,
I must remember I am a man and can't multi-task,
I must remember I am a man and can't multi-task,
I must remember I am a man and can't multi-task,


Who sang that song with the immortal words,

"I need a break man."
:D :D
Sorry to drag this back up but just to update you kind people.

I took your advice, set myself smaller goals and actually surpassed them with ease! :LOL:

Goal 1/ Just finish laying the floor and clean up later.
Achieved. (and cleaned up!)

Goal 2/ Cut the main coving lenghts and 'support nai' them into place.

Goal 3/ Tackle the tricky bits of coving.
Achieved. (Sat down with a cup of tea and a fag and thought about how to do it without getting stressed.)

Goal 4/ Glue majority of coving in place.
Achieved. (Gluedit all up AND filled in the little gaps!) :LOL:

Goal 5/ Get engineer out to repair washing machine door.
Achieved, and got new set of bearings fitted to drum!

Goal 6/ Have some fun with the grand kids.
Achieved! And thoroughly enjoyed it!

So thank you all for your advice and understanding.
I get up with the intentions of doing loads of tasks, but seldom achieve more than one, my get up and go, got up and went. :cry: ;)

look at it another way, if you got everything done you'd have nothing to do anymore, might make the missus think you're redundant :eek:
look at it another way, if you got everything done you'd have nothing to do anymore, might make the missus think you're redundant :eek:
How true, the secret is, to do just enough once in a while to score some brownie points
I get up with the intentions of doing loads of tasks, but seldom achieve more than one, my get up and go, got up and went. :cry: ;)



How do I know my youth is all spent?
My get up and go has got up and went
In spite of it all, I`m able to grin
When I think of the places my get up has been

Old age is golden, I think I`ve heard said
But sometimes I wonder as I crawl into bed
My ears in a drawer, my teeth in a cup
My eyes on the table until I wake up

As sleep dims my vision, I say to myself
Is there anything else I should lay on the shelf?
But nations are warring and business is vexed
So I`ll stick around to see what happens next

When I was younger, my slippers were red
I could kick up my heels right over my head
When I was older my slippers were blue
But still I could dance the whole night thru

Now I am old, my slippers are black
I huff to the store and I puff my way back
But never you laugh, I don`t mind at all
I`d rather be huffing than not puff at all

I get up each morning and dust off my wits
Open the paper and read the obits
If I`m not there, I know I`m not dead
So I eat a good breakfast and go back to bed

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