
27 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
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My wife and I booked a few days in a hotel in Worms last year, but a couple of days before we set off we got a phone call from them saying that they had to cancel our booking because they had had a serious fire. Turns out that, at least in Rheinland-Pfalz, there is no requirement for hotels to have fire alarms. There is also no requirement for fire alarms in fire stations it seems.
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No doubt there are plenty of building regulations in Germany which are "missing" from their UK equivalents, to the bafflement and horror of the Germans!
...and it starts with a capital S. Only the English word schadenfreude has a small s.
In the early days of printing, it was common for nouns in English and American to be capitalised, as in German, but the practice faded away during the 19th century.
Interestingly, I like German and enjoyed it at school. One drawback, however, is remembering the appropriate definite article: der, die, or das. I expect (and hope) that one day all three will eventually be combined into a single one to make things more simple.
After all, with all this 'gender fluidity' going on these days, there are many males who pretend to be females, and vice versa (and who knows how many 'neuters'), that one day it will be illegal to even specify which one you are!
After all, with all this 'gender fluidity' going on these days, there are many males who pretend to be females, and vice versa (and who knows how many 'neuters'), that one day it will be illegal to even specify which one you are!
Are you one of those people who just can't help themselves?

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