If you cant manually latch the 3 port actuator open then there may be an issue with the valve head. Is the head of the valve removable? If so take the head off and then find the mid position of the valve by turning the valve spindle manually using a pair of grips or an adjustable - it will only turn about half a turn end to end, if that, so leave judged half way, the spindle should move easily, if it doesn't then the valve itself could be the issue. Then override the CH system and see if both A and B heat up. You can use the bleed valve until hot water is felt as that signifies that the valve is in the mid position and it's flowing up the bleed, then let the system run. Does the cylinder stat actually click when you turn it to min and back up to max/60deg?
The 3 port should default to B (@ idle) when it's on HW only demand from the programmer. So Only B should get hot right up to the cylinder and then cooler but rarely cold coming out of the cylinder.