If that extension was pre '48 I'll eat my leotard.
1. Establish the position of the original rear wall pre '48. Talk to neighbours, look at the other houses in the street etc. There are likely to be other more obvious clues like how it was constructed which will likely confirm it approx age.
2. Measure the land area front & rear combined that would have existed pre '48.
3. Measure what you would have left after building your new outbuilding.
4. If the No.3 is less than half of No.2 you will need planning permission.
Nobody on this forum can do this only you.
Well spotted! I was just checking you were paying attention!don't understand the logic there, FMT..
if i had 100sqm pre 1948
and i build an 80sqm shed
"the land area you would have left after building your outbuilding " = 20sqm
"Subtract the [20sqm] from the [100sqm] that existed pre '48" = 80
"If this figure is less than 50% you need permission." => 80 is nt less than 50, but i DO need permission for an 80sqm shed on 100sqm of curtilage
I think you meant to say "..more than 50%"
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