As I said, that would be a good (and obvious) reason why one wanted the inverter to shut down in the case of low (or 'zero') supply voltage, but I don't see how it could result in a requirement for shutting down with over-voltage.No as there are other faults which could happen, with a street full of solar panels if the DNO want to work on the supply or cut it for other reasons, when they cut the power the solar panels could maintain the supply ...
As I implied, the one argument you produced for needing an inverter to shut down because of supply 'over-voltage' relates only to TN-C-S, so would seem to be 'unnecessary' with other types of supply?
As I also said, the only other reason I can think of for shutting down an inverter (regardless of type of supply) is to prevent the voltage in the local part of the supply network rising to at least a little above the 'permitted maximum' of 253V.
Kind Regards, John