Parler - just got owned

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Prisons are for-profit institutions in the US, so create the demand and you'll find someone who'll supply it.

Also, thats gotta hurt Parler, you don't bounce back from that. Especially that the only working version of it around at the moment is one created by the hackers who dominated your system.

How can you make an authentication system that fails unsafe? How!?
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wow just wow.

America is broken.

Quinnipiac poll AMONG REPUBLICAN VOTERS... - 73% say Trump is protecting, not undermining, democracy - 70% say Republicans who voted to block electors were protecting, not undermining, democracy - 73% say there was widespread voter fraud in 2020 - Trump's job approval is 71%
Quelle surprise! Meanwhile, in the wider community, Quinnipiac....

2/3 disaprove of Trump.

Rasmussen is close, but Rasmussen is ALWAYS close where Trump is concerned.


  • Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 22.41.06.png
    Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 22.41.06.png
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