Prior to the commencement of any work by the non-qualified person, the non-qualified person should obtain agreement from the certifier that the certifier is prepared to supervise and test
the work.
Prior to the commencement of any work by the non-qualified person, the certifier shall
establish the full scope of the intended work, the type of gas to be supplied and the availability
of that supply. It is recommended that the certifier test the soundness of any existing gas
installation that may be in place.
The certifier shall advise the non-qualified person of:
(a) the extent of supervision, inspection and testing that will be required; and
(b) the limitations imposed on the gasfitting work that can be performed by
non-qualified persons in accordance with section 0; and
(c) the requirement that the work comply with either NZS 5261, or with appropriate
equivalent performance criteria where the work is in a non-industrial installation
and is not covered by NZS 5261, or with an acceptable alternative installation
standard where the work is in an industrial installation; and
(d) the properties of gas that impact on safety; and
(e) any testing programme to meet the requirements of section 0 in the event that the
gasfitting work is required to be installed, inspected, tested or commissioned in