I have a kitchen wall which is a party wall with my neighbour's garden the other side of it. the houses are victorian and the roof of the kitchen was on a downward slope away from the party wall. 13yrs ago I raised the roof and extended the kitchen across the back of my house forming a normal apex roof. The builder built an internal gulley this side of the party wall but this was at the wrong angle and fed water towards the house!!! He then died!! I have had various work done to remedy this but finally a builder suggested that I ask my neighbour whether I could erect guttering on her side of the party wall. This was agreed and has been in place for about 4yrs. During this time we have fallen out over her hitting my car[I was not in it at the time] but she thinks that I had more work done on it than was necessary, I did not have anything to do with the work which was organised with the garage and her insurance comp.Now she has sent a solicitors letter asking for the guttering to be removed saying that she did not give permission and that the builder trespassed to do this, getting over the garden wall. He fortunately had a workman with him and this is not an issue as they can both testify. This has cost me considerable money though I realise that I have to remove it and have agreed to do this. The best solution according to builder is to raise the party wall by 3 tiers of bricks in order to build a gulley along against the wall on my side. She says that this will reduce her light and that she will serve an injunction to stop this. However her kitchen windows are not opposite this wall and she has placed a clear corrigated plastic sheet covering half of the length of the wall over her area outside her kitchen door. I have now served a Party Wall notice and suggested that we share a Surveyor to help solve the problem. I doubt that she will agree. What do people think the court will judge, if it gets that far?I am a pensioner and do not wish to go to litigation even if I win, it would not please me if she incurred a huge debt through litigation either but she is not a rational person.Help.