I'm going to build small step on my patio, width of the red lines in photo. This however ill be blocking 1 and a half air bricks, highlighted in green.
I plan to use an air brick channel and extend the one that is being blocked fully to the front of the step, either using a plastic air brick cut out in sandstone facia or drilling holes in the sandstone facia to provide airflow.
Question is, do I have to worry about the air brick that is being blocked by half, do I go through the effort of extending this to the front of the step also or just leave it being blocked halfway?
I'm going to build small step on my patio, width of the red lines in photo. This however ill be blocking 1 and a half air bricks, highlighted in green.
I plan to use an air brick channel and extend the one that is being blocked fully to the front of the step, either using a plastic air brick cut out in sandstone facia or drilling holes in the sandstone facia to provide airflow.
Question is, do I have to worry about the air brick that is being blocked by half, do I go through the effort of extending this to the front of the step also or just leave it being blocked halfway?