PC is doing more harm than good for the people its supposed to protect.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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But the reverse is true.

Surely you know that?

Yes John we know the police do get it wrong.
Do you believe the police pull innocent kids over just because they have a particular skin colour?
Bored maybe they just love paperwork????

I fitted the description of a football hooligan in days gone by.
"Was I a football hooligan"?
"No"...... but I was white and of that age & following Chelsea home and away (not with you each day).

I got pulled up for drink driving 60 seconds after the last cop pulled me up for drink driving.

I wasn't ... but I was a young white man driving a nice motor of drink driving age.

I got pulled up for assault and put in the clicker for a few hours.
I didn't assault anyone but I fitted the description.

Try asking the parents of these good young kids do they mind their kids being pulled up in areas of stabbings and machete attacks.
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Not seeing the point either.

Just another excuse thread for bodd to moan about race.

Of course you don't recognise yourselves as the PC brigade.

But you are....along with the Galloping Gourmet, John is, and Elle Arafat.

I'm not saying your bad people. I'm sure your not.

It's like out in Israel I've witnessed two mass protests this week by the left, outside the American consulate and around Tel Aviv. I spoke with them, I get what they are doing and why. They are good people that care.
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It's all rubbish.
Police should be able to stop whomever they want whenever they want.
They should also target known criminals by following them, harassing them with surprise appearances when they're out and about, searching their cars, etc.
They should not be hiding in fear of being labelled as racist or ...phobic.
Police presence on the territory should be such to deter any wannabe gangsters like those 2 in the article.
Unfortunately the 0.1% wants the police to be social services with a nice uniform and the rest of us shut up to avoid upsetting these nutcases who make the loudest noise.
And some would like it to be a police state.

The answer probably lies with sufficient numbers of well trained and experienced police.

And some prospects of a good future in a lot of areas
Police should be able to stop whomever they want whenever they want.
And that includes you!

You do realise that what you are saying is that you wish to live in a police state...

Well you are getting your wish...

Some of us think that is a bad thing, but then you'll be one of those bleating the loudest when your perceived rights are breached...

"First they came for" etc etc

You probably don't understand that!
I blame poor parenting in this instance. Those two murderers, somehow thought it was ok to attack a person with a sword and a machete, they are either dumb, thinking a wound would not be fatal and based on the mug shots, I'd say that is not out of the question, or they simply didn't value human life.

Police are racist and rightly have to be held to account, but they would not have been able to stop this murder.

On a second note I don't think a 2 year discount for joint enterprise is fair.
I definitely believe they also do this, to avoid pulling the ne ' er do wells.
Less bother that way.

Then they would pull over a few innocent white kids to make it look even and that they are doing their job
Assuming bod is Caucasian, dare we ask if he's ever been pulled over for being in possession of a white skin?

Read above. The answer is yes.

I've also been made to wait in a car park for two hours because I was English
That people like you taint the police as being corrupt.

But of course the Met are not all corrupt, just as not all Muslims are terrorist or white football fans are hooligans.

Or not all jewish people are money lenders? Should I add that disgusting stereotype in?
I blame poor parenting in this instance. Those two murderers, somehow thought it was ok to attack a person with a sword and a machete, they are either dumb, thinking a wound would not be fatal and based on the mug shots, I'd say that is not out of the question, or they simply didn't value human life.

Police are racist and rightly have to be held to account, but they would not have been able to stop this murder.

On a second note I don't think a 2 year discount for joint enterprise is fair.

Lack of resources plus horrible parenting as you mentioned due to a multitude of factors - why is it crime is high in poorer neighbourhoods?
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