Personal identification

Bean, you are pretending not to know.

The thug-in-uniform concealed his identity in advance of making his fatal attack on the annoying old bloke walking home from work

There were a great many witnesses on the street, not all of them were violent, or rioters, or concealed their identity. Some of the witnesses were policemen, and some of them were members of the public.

Some of the public were surprised, and upset, or even shocked, that the police force includes some people who are violent thugs, and others who are prepared not to intervene, or not to see, when a violent assault takes place.

Further reading here.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for that.

"The video showed Tomlinson being struck on the leg from behind by a police officer wielding an extendable baton, then pushed to the ground by the same officer. It appeared to show no provocation on Tomlinson's part—he was not a protester, and at the time he was struck, the footage showed him walking along with his hands in his pockets"

how ridiculous... coppers don't go out intent on killing !!

"appeared to show no provocation on Tomlinson's part" so what, he might have been caling the officer a complete ****!! you don't see that on vid... in reality, if you see a line of riot police you go the other way... don't try to take them on ffs !! and yeah the righteous police haters amongst you will make hay over this sort of thing, but it's coppers like this putting their life on the line that makes this country different to arab states and i applaud the behaviour of our police !!!!
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"The video showed Tomlinson being struck on the leg from behind by a police officer wielding an extendable baton, then pushed to the ground by the same officer. It appeared to show no provocation on Tomlinson's part—he was not a protester, and at the time he was struck, the footage showed him walking along with his hands in his pockets"

yeah well police are trained to strike the legs as it hurts and it's not life threatening... and of course they will push you... have you ever been to a sale or a concert, or a football match ffs?
And the guy died of a heart attack... and i'm sad for his family, but it's mother nature who's to blame, not a copper who pushed him !!! it could've happed in a motorway service station toilet by accident....
but you police haters have jumped on the bandwagon..!!! disgraceful behaviour !!
he might have been caling the officer a complete ****!!
Witnesses report he was saying "I'm trying to go home... I live down there"

And the guy died of a heart attack

No he didn't. Where did you get that from?

And you say the police are trained to hit on the legs, and push over from behind, old blokes walking home from work, with their hands in their pockets? So that their head hits the pavement with an audible thud, and their face scrapes along it leaving a bloody mark? If you were right (you're not) we should be thinking about revising their training.
he might have been caling the officer a complete ****!!
Witnesses report he was saying "I'm trying to go home... I live down there"

And the guy died of a heart attack

No he didn't. Where did you get that from?

And you say the police are trained to hit on the legs, and push over from behind, old blokes walking home from work, with their hands in their pockets? If you were right (you're not) we should be thinking about revising their training.

i got my info from wikipedia fwiw!!

and you can use all the emotive language you like,,,, but he wasn't an old guy (he was 2 yrs older that me ffs) but he was a big guy !!!! and you have no idea what was coming out of his mouth.... verbal abuse will draw the police to your activities...
Oh and hands in the pocket? does that make you immune from the law of the land? Fuche off how silly... it was a full blown riot ffs go the other way home....
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Bean, you are pretending not to know.

I'm well aware of this unfortunate incident John.
An unfortunate outcome to a troublemaking scumbag, non compliant individual, who should have known better in the circumstances.
But more importantly, died of natural causes.
You know thats the case.
"Execution" is far,far, out of the realms of sanity.

I simply can't believe you are basing your argument on this particular troublemaker.
i got my info from wikipedia fwiw!!
I don't believe you.

The first, discredited postmortem, said he died of coronary artery disease and had no injuries on his head or face. Some fluid which might have been or contained blood was mentioned, but not tested, recorded or retained.

Since his face had been smashed into the pavement shortly before his death, and there were visible facial injuries in the press photos, this looked fishy. A second and third postmortem showed Tomlinson had died because of internal bleeding from blunt force trauma to the abdomen, in association with cirrhosis of the liver.

So let me check. If you or I was an aggressive thug, who removed and hid our identification, then hit some old bloke from behind with a stick, then pushed him over from behind, when he had his hands in his pockets, resulting in his head hitting the pavement with a crack, and internal injuries which led to his death within a short time, would people call us a murderous thug who should be locked up? Does putting on a uniform remove our duty of proper behaviour? I say no, it requires us to behave as decent citizens, not as violent thugs.
i got my info from wikipedia fwiw!!
I don't believe you.

The first, discredited postmortem, said he died of coronary artery disease and had no injuries on his head or face. Some fluid which might have been or contained blood was mentioned, but not tested, recorded or retained.

Since his face had been smashed into the pavement shortly before his death, and there were visible facial injuries in the press photos, this looked fishy. A second and third postmortem showed Tomlinson had died because of internal bleeding from blunt force trauma to the abdomen, in association with cirrhosis of the liver.

you nob!! i got my info from wikipedia whether you like it or not !

as for your detail... his face would've been "smashed into the pavement" if he'd tripped over a ballet shoe !!!!

the point remains that you don't take on the police ... especially if there's a riot kicking off !!

answer something John.... would you be a PC?
you nob!! i got my info from wikipedia whether you like it or not !
Then for some reason I don't know, you have made a claim which is known to be untrue.

No point in my debating with someone who says things that aren't true.

Put away that bottle of Stella and go to bed.
John, you don't need to be patronising... i said "i got my info from wikipedia"... you response was "i don't believe you".... you can't disagree with WHERE i got my info from. You could disagree with the accuracy, but you need to articulate yourself more
For all the plod apologists, the following has been common knowledge for a while, but just in case your collective blinkers filtered it out...

Linky Linky

Funny what thugs get employed by the Police isn't it...And how would that type of 'history' be dealt with by other employers?

But that is not an isolated incident...

77 officers with convictions for violent offences have kept their jobs. A further 59 have convictions for assault, 14 for violence against the person, two for battery, and one for wounding....

96 serving police officers have convictions for offences of dishonesty: 36 for theft, five for perverting the course of justice, three for fraud and one each for dishonesty and forgery.

And those are just the ones caught out, and also ignores all the others who 'retired on medical grounds'!...
But surely ellal, two wrongs can never make a right. Hopefully the police have learned strong lessons from the past. I'm sure the Met will learn an even stronger lesson when Ian Tomlinson's inquest is over. Protesters can't be allowed to hide behind scarves,hoodies,balaclavas etc. I totally agree police officers shouldn't wear these things either. Perhaps there is a case for officers to wear helmets, but they should be readily identifiable , not only by their own colleagues, but by members of the public and press too. Hopefully this poor chap's inquest may bring about some change in the police when dealing with demonstrations.
Hopefully too, protest organisers will ensure that protesters abide by the law. Difficult I know but surely not impossible?

Perhaps we need a law introducing so that protest organisers have to take out insurance against criminal damage caused by protesters?. I'm sure that organisers would want protests to pass peacefully, just as much as the rest of us.
But what happens when people protest peacefully already JJ?

What happened to the 140+ UK Uncut lot who were arrested en masse after being told they could leave?...They weren't trying to hide their identities or be violent! I suspect that the easy targets were picked out, and the difficult (and conveniently news worthy) ones were ignored in order to demand new powers!

And what happens to those innocent people who are kettled 'just in case they cause trouble'?..Or those charged with horses - would we accept the police driving squad cars at people?

The police say they have learnt lessons, and yet when it comes down to it they carry on in much the same way...and regardless of what happens at that inquest, nothing will change!
Perhaps then Protests should be banned, just in case they lead to unlawful behaviour? Or perhaps allow protests to go ahead un-policed? Can't have everything.
Or perhaps remove the reasons for protests?

Mind you, successive governments have moved towards the first of your 'suggestions'

Which then leads to more violence!
It's quite sad really that all that will come of this is the police will have their hands tied with the same stifling risk assessment, red tape nonsense that is stifling just about everything in the uk.

The next time there is a riot the police will let them carry on and say "sorry guv we don't want to lose our job, not worth the risk guv".

FFS. :rolleyes:

Do-gooders would have the entire population wrapped in cotton wool and leave the whole world bereft of any risk taking joy.

Im off now to climb Everest.... :p
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