from an article in today's Grauniad - A 2021 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US found blood levels in children aged one to five years fell from 15.2 to 0.83 micrograms per decilitre between the late 1970s and 2016 as leaded fuels were banned.
It was actually telling how levels of lead in the atmosphere rose during the Roman Empire where, on average, lead levels in children’s blood at the peak of the Roman empire could have risen 2.4 micrograms per decilitre, the researchers found, reducing their IQ by 2.5 to 3 points. When taking background lead into account, childhood blood levels may have reached about 3.5 micrograms per decilitre.
Just think how much toxic waste has been spewed into the air by car drivers over the years, and multiply it by the amount still sent into the atmosphere by industry each year and ask the climate change deniers why they want to stunt your children's growth.
It was actually telling how levels of lead in the atmosphere rose during the Roman Empire where, on average, lead levels in children’s blood at the peak of the Roman empire could have risen 2.4 micrograms per decilitre, the researchers found, reducing their IQ by 2.5 to 3 points. When taking background lead into account, childhood blood levels may have reached about 3.5 micrograms per decilitre.
Just think how much toxic waste has been spewed into the air by car drivers over the years, and multiply it by the amount still sent into the atmosphere by industry each year and ask the climate change deniers why they want to stunt your children's growth.