Planning permission

12 Jun 2018
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United Kingdom
Please could I have some advice.

We live in a semi detached house.
My partner has attached piece of wood to the rear of our house, 6 metres long. He then put 5 wooden upright posts in 3 metres from our house, then fixed lengths of wood along the uprights at the top. Then fixed wooden beams to the wood on the house to the wood along the uprights. Below he put fencing along.
Basically a pagoda.
He then put roof lining a cross the roof, fixed light weight roof tiles, robust especially for windy areas. He put pollycarbinate into wooden frames on to the wood to allow light. So the sides are open and a foot distance from my adjoining neighbour (he gave his permission and helped to build it) the other side is a foot away from a 6ft high fence we put in 6 years ago, it is 4 metres from the boundary fence. To the front is all open with an arched rail wooden 4ft fence.

Some one complained 5 months after it was finished ( the neighbour the other side of us) he cannot see it from the ground, or his bedroom, only from his roof windows as his house is much lower than ours.

Planning have said we have to put in for planning permission and remove it all and build it in the same materials as the house ( brick rendered) we explained its not a house extension, but a temporary structure. They said it has a roof and the tiles are not the same as the house. The house tiles are not made any more, in fact the council them selves are replacing old tiles with the black flat tiles we have used.
Planning said it's attached to our house we need planning permission, he also said we need planning permission for the fence as one post holding the fence upright is attached to the house wall.
He then said, I must say it's well built and looks nice, not at all how the complainer described it, it's very solid.

He has sent us a letter stating it has to be removed and built the same as the house.

A neighbour built a new house in his garden behind ours, 16 metres from the boundary fence, 22 metres from the original house, built in red brick, original is rendered, it has red roof tiles, original are black and flat, it has white leaded windows, original are brown, unleaded and different stile.

We asked what we could do to bring it in line with permitted development, he refused to acknowledge our request and has stated he will take the matter further if we refuse to comply, which we never said we wouldn't.
I've looked around the estate and there are conservatorys with a roof in the same tiles as us not matching the house tiles, he stated different rules for a conservatory. There are two houses with polycarbonate roof on a pergola attached to the house, 4 metres high. Another house with an out building attached to the side of the house all made of wood.

Any advice please
Seems odd they are happy for the materials to be changed but don't want a planning application.

Do you own the property, was it bought from the Council, and are there covenants on it?

Or is the Council the owner as well as the planning authority (you said the Council are replacing the old tiles with felt)?

It's our home, not rented, not former council house, no covenants on it

I actually said.....

Planning have said we have to put in for planning permission and remove it all and build it in the same materials as the house ( brick rendered)

The house tiles are not made any more, in fact the council them selves are replacing old tiles with the black flat tiles we have used.

There are council houses in the area, the council are replacing the roof tiles on those
You could in theory do nothing, I believe the Council would have to serve an enforcement order (notice?) which you could appeal against. If there are similar examples in the area, and your neighbours don't object (apart from the neighbour who can only see from his attic) you should stand a good chance of winning.


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